Trial Day 4: Petrosino takes the stand

Yesterday was Frank Raia's turn.

Criminal defense attorney, Alan Zegas, packed the day with friendly witnesses and closed with Raia himself taking the stand.

Frank's witnesses included his 2013 campaign consultant Jack Butchko, OLG's Rev. Alexander Santora, Cartaret Mayor Daniel Reiman and ex-North Hudson Sewerage Authority Counsel Frank Leanza.
Oh yes: and former Hoboken Board of Education Assistant Superintendent and (recently booted) Hola Trustee Anthony Petrosino.


Notorious in the Hoboken community for his post-2009 attacks on the Hoboken School District students, teachers, reform school board, and our Superintendent, the Hoboken born and raised Petrosino is an Austin profesor by day, Hoboken political operative by night. Petrosino's Jekyll and Hyde duality carries over to the web, where his academic blog, Project Based Instruction in Tem Education and his crapademic blog, Hoboken Curriculum Project, coexist in cyberspace, but the similarity ends there.

The latter is his infamous Grudge Blog, the subject of many, many posts here. But a sampling:

PETROSINO'S GREATEST HITS (against the Hoboken School District)
Cruel Crapademic targets Special Education enrollment

Dishonest Crapademic 'Fudges' Hoboken District Demographics

The TRUTH about HHS enrollment

When Hoboken's BoE was a patronage mill and piggy bank...

HoLa Trustee launches Facebook campaign attacking Hoboken schools

HoLa's Crapademic Attacks Hoboken Schools AGAIN

 Dr. Petrosino's Propaganda Project

The Crapademic Strikes Again

Crapademic crack-up

Crapademics = Politics Disguised as 'Academia'

144,900 Reasons to Attack Hoboken Teachers

Petrosino ERASES* his Bogus Blog Entry (after GA calls him out)

GA has spilled an ocean of cyber-ink on exposing this fraud's cruel political agenda: to demoralize our children and tarnish their academic achievements in order to "prove" how much better off the district would be if we hadn't fired him in 2009.

That's right.

GA setting the record straight for the umpteenth time

Shameless narcissist Petro has an insatiable compulsion to disparage our schools-- not because he cares about education, but to prove the district has failed as a result of booting his arse to the curb instead of renewing his contract in 2009. An after Petro's contract wasn't renewed, he sued the Hoboken School Board; the board countersued and won, Petrosino lost.

And so, Anthony Petrosino 's vendetta burns bright with the heat of 1,000 suns. Which explains his shape-shifting blog (on its third or fourth name) and its drumbeat of anti-district propaganda, crapademic fakery and academic malpractic.

So what's the Pupie connection?

The Pupie-Petrosino connection is the beating heart of the Petrosino vendetta. Because without Frank Raia, that cushy $144.5K per year job which allowed Petrosino to teach a class in Austin, Texas at the same time he was supposed to be working full time in Hoboken, would probably never have existed.

Petrosino salary earned in Austin Texas while he was a full time employee of the Hoboken School District

Yes, for years the BoE was under Raia's control, and Petrosino was a direct beneficiary.

 John Raslowsky, President
Frances Kearns 
Carmelo Garcia 
James Farina
Theresa Burns
David Anthony
Frank Raia 
George Fonseca
Michele Russo

Wanda Alicea. President
Carmelo Garcia
Frances Kearns
John Raslowsky
Theresa Burns
George Fonseca
David Anthony
James Farina
Frank Raia

Frank Raia, President
Carmelo Garcia
Frances Kearns
 Wanda Alicea
David Anthony
Theresa Burns
James Farina
Magdelena Porrata
John Raslowsky

Frank Raia,  President
Carmelo Garcia
Frances Kearns
 John Raslowsky
Theresa Burns
James Farina
Magdelena Porrata
Ron Rosenberg
Wanda Alicea

Carmelo Garcia
Frances Kearns
 Frank Raia
Theresa Burns
James Farina
Anthony Romano
Theresa Minutillo
Jack Raslowsky (replaced with Wanda Alicea)
Magdelena Porrata

Theresa Minutillo* Pres
Frank Raia
Frances Kearns 
Carmelo Garcia 
Jimmy Farina
Anothony Romano
Phil DeFalco
Carrie Gilliard
Rose Marie Markle

Then POOF! The good times were over.  

In 2009, Raia was out, Kids First Reformers took the controlling majority of the board, and without Frank's protection, the double-dipping Petrosino was gone.

And The Vendetta began. 

So, Petrosino remains indebted to his childhood friend Frank, and his old political alliances in Hoboken whose return to power may bring back the good ole' days of grifting off education monies, padded budgets, patronage hires, and very bad accounting.

Take a peek at a 2016 blog post, about Old Guard' BoE budget surplus(es) from 2006-2009 (before Reform took control) back when HoLa Trustee Frank Raia, Carmelo Garcia and Anthony Romano were the voting majority, and HoLa's Anthony Petrosino was employed full-time as Assistant Superintendent  (and taught a class in Austin, Texas!).  See what I mean about the way the Hoboken District was run under Raia and Petrosino. 

Keep that in mind when someone mentions Petrosino's Grudge Blog. Now you know. 
