
April is ending in a burst of Haiku. You know, the 17-syllable Japanese poem that doesn't rhyme.

The challenge of Haiku is to place an image in the reader's mind using 3 simple lines, in a syllable pattern of 5-7-5. Both meaning and imagery must be conveyed therein or else you might as well write limericks. Which any idiot could do. No, it takes real talent to write a Haiku.

The Little Avenger's 2nd-grade class is studying Haiku now. Here's one that she wrote:

Cherry Blossoms fall
Japanese Cherry Blossoms
Are blooming in Spring

Another Haiku was written by my friend Kathy, just for me on a subject I'd like to keep out of the hands of Mr. Dung-Obsessed who would schlep it with him to the next City Council meeting for another commanding live performance. Otherwise I'd share, because it was hilarious. Kathy's a hoot.

Next is a GA-original Haiku inspired by a new discussion up on Revolt. I call my poem, "Ode to Spring":

Knife in your back ouch
Poison pens spew pay-to-play
Here comes Beth Mason

Did you see fields of buttercups in your mind? Or a white fluffy bunny twitching her little pink nose? It's all about images. And meaning.

I call this one "Recycled Horse Shit":

Rotting filth flies forth
From Mason's busy suck-ups
Nasty mailers come

I hope that one painted frescoes of unicorns and rainbows for you. Look, see the sun shining.

In conclusion, I would like to thank members of the Academy and newly-registered Revolt member Kim, for inspiring these Haikus. Without you, they wouldn't be where they are today.

Yes, indeed. It looks like a certain City Council member is the first out-of-the gate deploying the usual internet mud-flingers, even before the blogs and message boards have had a chance to cool off from the School Board election.

Submit your Haiku to grafixavenger666@gmail.com.


  1. Desperate Mason
    Revenge for school board slate loss
    Ravi pays this time

  2. Dual job Dawn fail
    Mason ignore fact and law
    Pray Ravi pay play

  3. Not election time
    Bitter recipe again
    Dooms Mason once more

  4. Mud slinging Mason
    Hopes something sticks this time
    Careful boomerang

  5. Lie down again with
    411 dogs expecting
    New results fat chance

  6. A haiku for Hoboken, plagiarized from Jerome Kern:

    You can talk, talk, talk.
    You can bicker, bicker, bicker. You can!
    Talk? You can bicker, Hoboken!

  7. Whoops! 5-7-5 words/not syllables, that last one.

    Oh well, still riffing on Music Man:

    You can talk, talk, talk.
    You can bicker. Bicker? Talk.
    Get over egos.


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