Being proactive SAVED Hoboken lives: TIMELINE


It's helpful to understand why Hoboken seems to be flattening our curve.  It is not only what we have done, it is when we have done it.

So it feels like we've all been locked-up forever, right?  But it's only been one month. Our City began  self-isolation on March 17. As you know, we were the first East Coast city to implement self-quarantine, one day after San Francisco and 5 days before New York City

Some day when we look back on this episode, we all will remember the lock down.  

We probably won't remember how Hoboken's coronavirus mitigation started on March 10th-- one week before the lockdown.   In hindsight, that week was crucial.   Mayor Bhalla with the Office of Emergency Management (OEM) rolled out a series of aggressive mitigation directives that appeared so Draconian, that residents were taken aback. Council members pushed back- even complained.  One openly flouted the new rules, boasting on social media how he could circumvent Hoboken gym closures by working out then partying in NYC. 

Now a batch data on COVID-19 in Hoboken and Hudson County shows how effective our City's early mitigation directives really were.  Being proactive has flattened the curve- which translates to lives saved.  So, looking back...

What were those early actions taken by Hoboken leaders to flatten the curve?  

  • March 10, 2020: Mayor suspends all senior activities at the Mult-Service Center: all daily senior activities at the multi-service center, and senior trips sponsored by the City. Enhanced    sanitizing procedures are implemented. 
in other news...
  • March 11, 2020: Mayor announces activation of CERT (volunteer Community Emergency Response Team) to hand out COVID-19 information at transit stations, and expanded sanitizing procedures for Hop buses, municipal garages, Taxis, City buildings, and park restroom facilities.    

in other news... 

Sources report the March 10 fundraiser was attended by no one. 

  • March 12, 2020: Mayor announces State of Emergency (declared by OEM), cancels all non-essential City-run events and meetings, closes all City-run recreation activities and sports for children and adults, and all city recreation fields and facilities.  Later, Mayor announces closure of all school districts in Hoboken. ( There were 29 documented cases of the virus in New Jersey, 1 death) .
  • March 13: First covid-positive case in Hoboken. Mayor announces suspension of street cleaning, closure of fields, recreation facilities and playgrounds, closure of day cares, and pop-up camps for children.
  • March 14 Mayor announces city-wide daily curfew from 10 pm through 5 am, bar closures, (eat-in) restaurant closures- take out food only, and closure of all health clubs, day cares and movie theatres. 
  • March 15: Mayor announces 3 additional Hoboken residents are covid-positive- all four in their 30's and 40's.  
and in other news...

After his NYC work out and commute on mass transit, he went door-to-door to hand campaign swag to Marineview residents... 

  •  March 16: Mayor announces the 5th covid-positive Hoboken resident, in his 20's. Mayor sends letter NJ congressman asking for federal aid for Hoboken's small businesses, and announces Governor Murphy's state-wide covid-directives.
and in other news...

  •  March 17:  LOCKDOWN: Mayor announces self-isolation directives and closure of non-essential businesses. 

That muscle-flexing really did it!

You know, the usual suspects continue to attack, complain, accuse- not even a pandemic can stop them.   But the rest of us can can feel thankful.  Our local government is doing whatever it takes to protect Hoboken lives, and they have.  Unlike that schmuck in the White House. 

The following City of Hoboken data is current to April 18:


  1. Numbers don't lie. I am afraid that the red states chomping at the bit to "re-open" will soon face that bitter truth in their own way.

    1. Yeah, the Red States are a ticking COVID-19 time bomb. While the Idiot-in-charge continues to confiscate PPE sourced from the states, then jawbones about how "great" everything is going in U. S. hospitals therefore the federal govt can redirect PPE and ventilators to other countries; he cited RUSSIA. Trump's like a Mafioso boss- robbing PPE from the states to export in exchange for political favors. Why would Trump ship our PPE to Vlad Putin? Hmmmmm.... Just wait until that Red State time bomb explodes, a horrific tragedy waiting to happen.

    2. I asked my new Press Secretary to explain what we're doing. I'm really pleased with her work so far. She captures my cadences very well. A lot of people said it would be impossible.

      I have a question since this is a politically correct blog.

      Is it confusing to call her my Press Secretary instead of just saying she does my Ironing? Ironing Secretary? Laundry Secretary? Can't I just call her my Secretary who does some Ironing? I've found that if I treat them like Secretaries, they think like Secretaries. I'm trying this with Secretary Vice President Pence, but he's a slow learner. Not many people know that.

    3. There's only one thing worse than an Orange PPE-stealing Imbecile: a DRUNK Orange PPE-stealing Imbecile. Lay off the booze, HH!

  2. Luckily I live in a deep red county, we have 89 dead in the 5th largest metro area in the country with a a population of 5 million. Equating Hoboken to that level would mean over 30,000 deaths in Hoboken. Overall 80% of deaths in Democratic areas.

    1. Please tell me you're not trying to draw a causal link between party and loss of life.

  3. Overall NJ & NY have combined for an average of 60% of the deaths. The CDC and task force a couple of weeks ago were concentrating on 8 counties. All are Democratic. If you look at Chicago, Michigan, DC RI, CT etc by death % you can clearly see it's virtually all Democratic for high rates. If you look further at LA with a Democratic Governor the vast majority of deaths are in Democratic new Orleans. In red Fl most of the deaths are in deep blue owd, dade and Palm Beach Counties.

    1. It's likely that the public demonstrations of Republican, uneducated assholes who can't spell for shit, who show up to support the worst president ever, demanding an end to self isolation, will be spreading the disease to more Republicans, and I'd be fine with that if it didn't burden our third world health care system and infect intelligent people.

    2. Thanks Scat, always great to hear from a follower.

      Most people think the places with the worst outbreaks are the ones with high population density. They point to fake news like the deaths of 60 MTA operators and assume that suggests mass transit as a major factor.

      They haven't figured it out like YOU have: the real problem is party affiliation!

      More politics! Less science! #MAGA!


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