First ward councilman's fundraiser "like a ghost town"

If a cocktail gets poured in the forest and no one's there to drink it, did it make a sound?

Likewise,  if no one showed up to Mike Defusco's "Hoboken Employee Appreciation Happy Hour," was it really happy?

No. Not happy; it was sad. Sixty sad minutes.  And as soon as Sad Hour ended, the councilman's fundraiser kicked off.  

Was that sad, too?

Yes, very. You could call it a No-Fun Fundraiser. One politico who'd dropped by compared it to a ghost town. (Not a haunted ghost town, the regular kind: with dust, abandoned buildings, tumbleweeds, and so on.) 

But you know, one might have questioned the wisdom of throwing a political gathering on the eve of a pandemic. One might even say it showed incredibly bad judgment-- even a callous indifference toward public health and safety, possibly a disregard for preserving human life. Such thoughts would occur to sensible people.

So maybe that explains last night's Sad Hour and No-Fun Fundraiser twin-disaster: call them The Coronavirus Catastrophes.  Or else, the emptiness reflected public discontent with the Councilman's endless partisan politicking and gaslighting, or unease with the shady ethics of overlapping an event for municipal workers with a political fundraiser. 

Who knows. But, cheer up. Not even a worldwide pandemic could stop those PACs and Unions from writing checks.

If you wanna play, you gotta pay! 


  1. No publicity pics of his Tuesday night no fun fundraiser on MDF's Facebook page appears to confirm it was a bust

  2. How frigging obtuse do you need to be to run a fundraiser when businesses and governments are shutting down and folks are socially isolating themselves to avoid contributing to the spread of COVID-19? Is he so stupid and narcassistic to think that folks are going to come out for a fundraiser for him? It seems so.


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