SHOCK: DeFusco campaign sends mailer to City Hall

DeFusco campaign sends mailer to a non-existent employee at  94 Washington Street (City Hall) 

Why would the Michael Defusco for Hoboken City Council campaign send campaign mail to City Hall? 

Didn't DeFusco's ethics reform legislation prohibit city employees from politicking at City Hall during work hours?  Sending campaign mail to persons allegedly working at City Hall directly contradicts DeFusco's ethics reform. (This is one week after Councilwoman Tiffanie Fisher was caught politicking in City Hall, brandishing campaign swag at a public meeting.)

Sending campaign lit to City Hall is a violation of his own ethics reform

Further, GA was told that this addressee is not a City Hall employee.  This all begs the question: is Michael DeFusco running the most inept campaign in modern Hoboken history or is this mammoth incompetence by design?

Full color, four pages- this mailer cost big bucks

It is amazing, in my opinion, that a campaign would send lit to City Hall. What were they thinking? 

The terror flier offers recipients detailed information on how to Vote by Mail  for Mike DeFusco.  (Note, the notion of Mike DeFusco's re-election fills me with terror, though the flier could be called "Time to move out of Hoboken" flier.)

Apparently, the old system for collecting mail-in ballots that is under investigation by the F.B.I. and U.S. Attorney's Office has been replaced by voter education. That's great.  But, voters should not feel coerced to vote for any particular candidate if they decide to vote by mail.  So, the "how to vote DeFusco for Council by mail" part seems coercive- to me.  Voters: vote by mail for whomever you want!

All good information--  useful even if you aren't voting for Mike DeFusco!


GA found out about the Thursday debate on Friday morning. 

Why are council debates quietly being scheduled outside of Hoboken before Hoboken's own QLC candidates debate?  Why did Mike DeFusco skip out of a very important Hoboken meeting to attend a televised debate in North Bergen that no one in Hoboken knew about?

The fact Defusco skipped out of the Council meeting suggests that he knew in advance there would be no quorum, that the 5 member defection from a Meeting requested by the Mayor (to vote up or down on enforcing Pay-to-Play) was choreographed.   In advance.  It looks that way to me.

If you want to ask @mike4hoboken yourself,you might find him posting selfies from the gym.


  1. sending mail to one non-existent voter? tip of the iceberg. check new voter registrations in the first ward.

  2. First ward building just got another flyer slid under apartment doors inside the building. Not door knocking, just littering. This one's just a front & back, derivative of this weeks mailer, without the 'look at me' bod shot, and tone-def headphones. Anyone else notice how terrible the body language is in every photo; folded arms, aggressively standing over the stock-photo work group. Although, besides whining, coercion is his standard go-to .

    Hey, and what's with the finger? Was he actually giving 'the finger' to the 1st ward, and they photo-shopped it out?

    1. Which building? Marine View Plaza? Since this piece went up, I've been told that City Hall's gotten a lot of DeFusco campaign mail addressed to non-existent employees. Red flag.

  3. There is another explanation for this - the people on the campaign's payroll have a ton of money to spend and don't mind wasting it like crazy on stupid stuff like this. Of course, folks should be very worried as to WHY some candidates have so much money to throw around. It isn't like they have a spouse who bills out at some insane amount per hour. These folks likely had to make all sorts of promises to get these campaign dollars.

  4. It's an old Hoboken trick. He's registered the homeless out of city hall

    He will register all the homeless he can find and will vbm some and the rest he will have them report to his HQ that he opened today on election day and have them vote on the machine. He will find someway to "employ" them

    1. There is a story I keep hearing of people being registered to vote using vacant apartments

    2. They did this 4 years ago against Terry also but nobody paid attention cause the Zimmer group was with him

    3. If MDF is doing this especially after he and his campaign were embarrassed by the Raia voter fraud convictions, the authorities should be brought in to investigate.
      Law enforcement has a few Hoboken insiders who might be willing to provide information for lesser sentences and may already looking into it.

    4. Anon 8:44 - I have no idea whether you are correct about DeFusco in 2015, but but do you really think saying "he's always been unethical and you guys didn't used to care" is a smart defense strategy?

      I know good help is hard to find but still...

    5. Numbers - no amount of "help" is going to wash the stink off of MDF. The crap he has pulled the last few years makes him stink to high heaven. It is pretty shocking how quickly he went from someone people thought had at least some potential to completely toxic with most folks who pay attention. I doubt anyone not motivated on greed, spite, envy or some other base reason would ever consider voting for him.

    6. Another common scam comes from the people who have apartments in Church Towers and Marine View, but who actually live in places like Toms River. They keep the apartments in their names, they don't change their legal address, and many sub-lease the apartments, but they still come back to town to vote. After they pull the lever, they make a pilgrimage to Fiore's, and then they're back on the Parkway.

      Not sure if that type of voter was part of the vote buying crime.

    7. If it is their legal address it not a crime. Also not sure that if it is done, that it is common.

    8. Registering homeless to vote is not a crime.

      Paying for their vote would be, should that ever happen.


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