DeFusco attacks Jewish WHISTLEBLOWER (me) on Rosh Hashanah!

left: Pro-Trump blogger whose Alt Right web site posts DeFusco press releases , RIGHT: DeFusco press release attacks Jewish Blogger on Rosh Hashonah

GA's survived many attacks on my free speech over the years, but this may be the dumbest one of all:  a Vision Media press release calling a progressive Democrat who supports Hoboken's first openly lesbian council candidate "homophobic."  

Worse, today is Rosh Hashonah. GA is Jewish; doesn't Mike Defusco have any regard for the High Holy Days on the Jewish calendar? This evil, spurious attack on a woman observing the High Holy Days is yet another example of Michael DeFusco's insensitivity to members of the Jewish community- like these:

Runoffs occur 4 weeks after election day- in 2021, run-offs will fall on Chanukah.  Oh wait, Michael Defusco doesn't call that week "holiday season."

Caitlin Mota: do you attack Christians on Christmas?  That is  a real question. 

This is my gal, Migdalia Pagan Milano, who runs Hoboken Pride week-- Michael DeFusco has never participated in a single Hoboken Pride event.   

Timing is everything.  This spurious attack comes right after my disclosure that the DeFusco campaign has been sending mailers to City Hall addressed to unknown persons.  Enough of this mail has arrived to attract the attention of City Hall employees.  This weird smear on a local blogger is a retaliatory effort to derail further investigation of this peculiar mail. 

I smell panic, do you?  I must be on to something.  Why is the DeFusco campaign sending mail to City Hall addressed to persons who don't work there, like this: 

As for the woman, Lauren Albrecht,  who was quick to lend the name of her LGBTQ organization to this smear job, how come your organization has not recognized Hoboken's first lesbian council candidate, Migdalia-Pagan-Milano?



  1. The LGBTQ Dem Caucus getting involved is just, sadly, politics as usual, because MDF has never been a friend to the LGBTQ community in NJ except when it suits his political ambitions.

    And it is just lame to claim outright homophobia when those "offensive" remarks could have easily been made about ANY male candidate appearing shirtless in campaign lit.

    In fact GA has defended Mr. inDeFenisble when the commenters on this blog veer into homophobic remarks.

    I didn't see MDF show at any local LGBTQ events, but his minions were there staring down Migdalia and anyone who spoke with her.

    1. MDF did use the rainbow that MDM helped paint for a photoshoot with his boyfriend. he published that article about their relationship right before Pride knowing that they were going to breakup soon. He will use anyone and anything to get ahead. Just ask Terry.

  2. he did it on purpose. everyone knows its the high holy days, defusco could care less. I saw him texting in the balcony in synagogue at last years memorial service. he couldn't be bothered wearing a yarmulke either like every other adult male.

  3. Nobody accused MDF's supporters of having intelligence or integrity. But boy do they like to pull out the faux victim card just like they pretend to care about campaign finance reform, the integrity of elections and good governance. Ha, a bunch of frauds is all they are.

  4. The Caucus just sealed their irrelevancy to me.

  5. Dear Snowflakes,
    Please explain how any of Nancy's characterizations are gay biased? Bro-biased maybe. 'Looking for a date', 'doing chin-ups in the men's room stall', and 'arm-pit sniffing' are not proprietorially gay? If you think so, you haven't been to the gym in a long time.
    Please also explain why the State Democratic LGBTQ Caucus is involving themselves and taking sides in a local race between 2 gay candidates. Your not defending a gay candidate from inappropriate bias, you're shilling for one over another.
    You might also want to check your notes on which race you're currently working on. Mike's 'opponent' isn't Mayor Bhalla or his slate. Did you cut-and-paste that from 2017 too, like the copy and pics on the rest of his lit?

    1. Beth Mason pulled the same stunt 9 years ago, re: Lane Bajardi's art show at the Hoboken City Council. Mayor Zimmer was hounded for comment, but Dawn had the good sense not to give any. Same shit, different day.

    2. Isn't also the same political consultants???? Might explain why this shit was washed, rinsed and repeated.

  6. The shit filled barn is going ape shit over this in the comments. Is he so brain dead and tied up in his blind hatred of the mayor and you not to realize that he is promoting the epitome of insider pay for play bad government? He really has become useless.

    1. He has become everything he once stood against. It is absolutely surreal.

    2. You made me look! ha ha. I stopped going to that ghost town a while ago. People (like you Denizen!) tell me what's there (please don't) or send screenshots (stop!!!) cause I won't go. I was told today that the shit-filled barn posted that same unflattering pic of me my incel stalker took 2 years ago-- Kurt posted same too on his dead site with the caption that went something like "as you can see politics is unhealthy for Nancy." Yeah? I'm pretty healthy so far, knock wood. I haven't had one stroke! Look Denizen, except for the Giant Incel, the comments are all the blog proprietor. With moobs like that, you'd think he'd think twice before mocking anyone else's looks! Do I need a restraining order?

  7. Michael DeFusco IMO has based his whole political career on trying to play the victim.
    Grafix Avenger's reporting must be perceived as a very real and effective threat to DeFusco holding on his City Council seat or he would not have had his Vision Media team try to manufacture an incident so he could again claim to be a victim.

    1. What else will he run on but some manufactured controversy? I suppose he could run on his fake accomplishments or his make-believe desire to do what is best for the community. Running on a false narrative is all this guy has. Nobody is going to vote for him for what he actually stands for or what he has actually done.

  8. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    2. So tired of the body shaming on both sides. I have seen Nancy recently and she looks nothing like the photo Roman is using. I have also seen Roman and he looks...well Not as bad as the pic above. Everyone has bad photos. Dawn for example is attractive, yet 411 and the Married Minions always found a photo where her large eyes were wide open and would mock her. We all have fat periods, bad hair days and periods of our lives with "moobs ";) As adults we should all quit the body shaming and innuendos on all blogs, social media posts and comments.
      Kids are killing themselves because of body shaming, if we as adults do it, we can only expect kids to do it and their targets are not always of age to find help or cope with the insults. Not saying Nancy is worse than Roman or Roman worse than Nancy. Let's just take a break and let Migdalia and Mike fight it out on real issues like Parks, Taxes and affordable housing. Stuff that matters.

    3. Get back on your bar stool, Finboy. Still sticking your fin in Hoboken political waters, I see. I was surprised to see your name pop up as a ballot bearer at least twice in Hoboken's 2015's First Ward race, are you going to carry water-- uh, I mean ballots in Hoboken again?

      T-Bone, Thank you. What you say is true. Except one thing: the body-shaming bullying has been one-way since Brice took that photo of me in 2017 at Dawn's announcement that she wasn't running- yes, I was upset and feeling blind-sided. My expression says it all. I ran out of the house in a black schmata for the morning presser. Little did I know that scumbag would shoot a pic of me without my consent, which he has posted a dozen times over the past 2+ years, and comments under various screen names comment on how fat, ugly, etc.- Kurt has accused me of killing my pet cat, even recently. It's really sick behavior.

      So there is no equivalency here on the body-shaming. Yes, I took this pic of Brice this year at the Hilton presser, to respond to his pictorial bullying. Yes, Roman Brice has become Klaussen and I am his Lenz, Lenz, Lenz- fat pictures, and all.

    4. You are right he did start it and I stand corrected, honestly body shaming a typical white guy isn't that big a deal / or on par with shaming ANY females or minors.

    5. If you want to know whether MSV was interested in LGBTQ bias or a political hit piece, ask yourself why he prefaces an article feigning outrage on a subject he NEVER covers with that kind of picture.

  9. I am gay and that post was not homophobic. He deserves to be made a fun of for posting a photo of him shirtless on his council page. Gay, straight, male, female, no politician is exempt. Posting photos shirtless gives the gay community a bad name. It’s not okay to do in the straight community and should not be okay in the gay community. To bad you took the post down.

    1. Does anybody really think that if Dawn had posted bikini shots on her mayoral FB page nobody would have noticed and made fun of her for it and observed that it reflected bad judgment?

      Of course people would have, and deservedly so. Obviously, Dawn never did anything like that because that isn't who she was.

      But the salient point here is that this has zero to do with Mike's sexual orientation and everything to do with his lack of maturity and bad judgment.

    2. Remember how everyone one made fun of the shirtless Putin photo

  10. I heard that Mike and his online mouthpiece Alejandro broke up. So maybe he was lashing out and asserting his Alpha-ness by posting the shirtless pics to show he was moving on.

    1. They'll meet again -- as long as they have the same app.


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