Fisher's censorship spree: "#More voices are NOT better"

Oy vey!

Yesterday and this morning, GA's responses to comments by BoE activist Deirdre Wall and Hoboken Democratic Committee Vice Chair Nora DeBenedetto were deleted by Councilwoman Tiffanie Fisher from her Hoboken 2nd Ward Facebook page.

Here's what happened. 

Fisher had posted a link to the HCV article: Amy DeGise: Stack’s 2013 endorsement of Christie would’ve broken HCDO bylaws  with her comment:  "Given the response to me in our local elections (voting me off as Chair of the municipal Democratic Committee), I am curious what the Hoboken Democratic Committee will do as they consider who they will vote for as Chair to be their leader at the county level given the context in this article and in the comments to the article. Interesting read. #Hoboken"

That post inspired some interesting comments. There were two persons who GA wished to reply to: Deirdre and Nora. 

My comments to both of those gals were not about Fisher, nor were they to her, nor did they mention her nor were they rude. They were opinions on a matter of public interest and public concern.

Yet, Fisher deleted them. All of them. Maybe 6 in total. 

Anyway, you be the judge why the Councilwoman deleted these comments that engaged two other people and did not mention her.


While I was replying to Deirdre, it occurred to me that 2017 was not the first time "we" in Reform ran a campaign targeting the Republican Party affiliation of candidates.  

 In 2010, Reform BoE candidates Kids First blasted the Republican orthodoxy of the four BoE's "Real Results" headed by Nathan Brinkman, chairman of Hoboken's "Red Elephants." Brinkman worked side by side with GOP activist Maureen Sullivan; Sullivan  attacked Kids First in a letter targeting Hoboken Republicans. Note, Real Results argued to let a $230K Obama stimulus grant expire-- instead of reinvesting the money in our District.  Another idiotic Real Results idea: to use the public school budget to give school vouchers!  

Why would Fisher want to hide any of this historical information from the public? 

The memories are flooding back...  Yes, Reform supporters of Kids First argued vociferously against the 4 Republican zealots of Real Results.  I sure did. In fact, this very issue prompted me to start this blog; my first post on March 18 2010 was  "Better Dead than Red"   How many peeps remember this GOP love letter?

Interesting, huh?  

How is it that folks who rejected the Republicanism of candidates in 2010 are called "hypocrites" for feeling the same way in 2017?  Mayors, not councilmen, represent the city at the state and federal levels where-- like it or not-- party matters.  

Ironic, a few  folks who are still angry that a candidate's party affiliation mattered in 2017, thought candidates' party affiliation mattered in 2010.  Oh, well.  

But, I digress... today's topic is censorship of a constituent's political discourse by an elected official!


Okay people, I really do want your opinion.

Do you think Fisher's censorship of comments on her public Facebook page on a matter of public interest and public concern is due to: 

(1) petty personal animus  
(2) desire to prevent information from entering the public domain
(3) something else


  1. Talking Edna note: Tippy #TheStorm Councilbabe, also known as Tippy #Spygate Councilbabe only censors with the best interests of the American People (the ones who come to my rallies) in mind. If she censored something it must've been anti-American. CASE CLOSED!

    Now leave me alone so I can make peace with North Korea. I'll need their support when we invade Canada which will soon be known as West Korea!!!!!


    1. Admit it, Hugh Huge. You threw shade on Justin Trudeau because he's younger, 1000 x better-looking, 1,000,000 x smarter and Stormy would have jumped in the sack with him without having to get plastered first. Even Melania has the hots for Justin. SAD.

    2. Wrong, FAILING Garment Intender!! I happen to know what women want: tiny hands, massive insecurity and a very tighty, very whitey tennis outfit. I make sure I make all three dreams come true. That’s why I’m the leader of the free world while he’s about to be forced to learn to talk Korean!!!!

  2. well it seems from Tiffy's FB page that she is a reformer in one way: Some people like to run, others lift weights and others do spin. I love group Reformer Pilates classes.

  3. Pathetic. If you can’t stand the heat, stay out of the kitchen.

  4. certainly 1 & 2. she loves to hear herself talk and be the center of attention, you weren't playing along.

  5. Censorship is a tool most often used by people who know their arguments are indefensible. She deletes your posts because you are right - and she can't stand that you or anyone else is laying out the truth.

    Well that and she really is petty.


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