Tuesday Fixins

Final kiss-off for Carmelo Garcia's "ethnic cleansing" lawsuit series

Six years ago, no one knew the true extent of behind-the-scenes machinations to kill the sale of Hoboken's hospital.  

The 2012 Bajardi v Pincus SLAPP suit opened up a Pandora's box of secrets; 50,000 emails returned in discovery and subsequently filed as exhibits entered the public domain. Among many political operations revealed in the emails, was the extent to which Beth Mason operative, James Barracato, participated in his boss's efforts to kill the sale of Hoboken's publicly held hospital. 

At stake (if the hospital were not sold), Hoboken taxpayers would have to repay a $52M bond default in one tax year, 1,200 hospital jobs, Hoboken's bond rating (thus ability to borrow money to fund city operations), public sector layoffs, cutbacks to city services, and possible bankruptcy.  

Yet, in spite of devastating consequences for Hoboken, the anti-Zimmer zealotry of Mason's "Council of No" made hobbling Zimmer  the only thing that mattered.  

Yes, this was the extent and purpose of the behind-the-scenes machinations to make "Dawn go down the tubes with the hospital sale."

Even the Mayor's emails with the buyer during the sale were improperly* obtained by the Mason operative, later trafficked to media.  (*parties to the hospital sale signed a confidentiality agreement; it is unknown how Mason's operative obtained contractually-protected emails.)

So, why regale you with Hoboken's dark past?  

Because folks need to remember what can happen to Hoboken under a rogue, rabidly anti-administration Council.  Which is where we appear to be heading

When the priority of rogue council members is to settle scores against the sitting mayor, Hoboken residents are collateral damage. 
  • Under a rogue, rabidly anti-administration council, renegotiated water agreements get tabled indefinitely, resulting in Hoboken taxpayers getting SLAMMED, so the rogues can blame the sitting mayor.  
  • Under a rogue, rabidly anti-administration Council, contracts to proceed with Rebuild-by-Design (or any public works project) can be tabled or voted down to hurt the sitting mayor. 
  • Under a rogue, rabidly anti-administration Council, bonding for ongoing projects and/or city operations could get tabled or voted down to hurt the sitting mayor. 

First, Giattino rebuffed the opportunity to bring the skills she campaigned on to the Transition as Head of Constituent Services.   

Behind the scenes efforts to consolidate a 7-2 voting bloc apparently failed. With Russo reportedly opting out of Giattino's outreach to him, Sybil the Horse (Tiffania's Minister of Conspiracies) her Sybil the Horse falsely asserted that Bhalla was backing Russo for Council President. (He never was. "Ravis first choice is Jim, his second choice is Peter.")  

The "resistance" blogs floated the butt-hurt council strategy to support Ramos for Council President.  

Two butt-hurt Ward councilwomen sent a letter to the DEP purporting to represent the "Hoboken community" (by inference the City of Hoboken) intentionally excluding their 7 council colleagues...

What next?  

Tiffania's Minister of Conspiracies, continues throwing feces under multiple screen name personalities, and on the walls of his cyber ghost town, hoping that something will stick. 

GA will ignore unless it is potentially injurious to the public. In my opinion, this is. 

The latest effort to damage Mayor-elect Bhalla smears the Hoboken Police Department and Chief Kenny Ferrante. 

In short, the conspiratorial nutjob alleges (1) collusion with "Bhalla insiders" and that (2) the mayor is directing the HPD (not Ferrante).     

Both allegations are categorically false.  Not only can such rumors undermine public trust in Ferrante's police department, they can ultimately render officers less effective, even put lives at risk.   
The perfidious pony alleges: "["Ravi Bhalla insiders"] want the investigation stopped."

Umm, no "they" don't.  

In fact the police are not talking at all about the investigation, so any claims of "suspects" or  alleged "communications" with the HPD that are coming from the barn, originate in a horse's ass.  

GA is pretty sure that the HPD reads the blogs; perhaps investigators have noted there's an awful lot of smoke coming from the barn about the investigation.

Hmmmmm.  Pssst... check under the haystack!  Perhaps we'll see a 'perp trot' someday?

Lastly, the crap he's writing about Carmelo Garcia's "Hoboken payoff for almost a cool million" is categorically false. 

How do I know?  

Because (1) GA has living, breathing sources and one reason for that is, (2) I don't run my mouth.

So I won't.  

When the parties involved make the result public, you'll know. 


  1. Nice piece. PS -- some of the comments being posted on HCV and elsewhere by one of Garcia’s fellow DeFusco operatives / former Ramos running mate have been flagged as libelous and a screenshot file is being compiled.

    1. Welcome to GA, HobokenVoice. You wouldn't be talking about Dave Roberts?


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