DeFusco's Dystopian Hoboken

Mike DeFusco's  dystopian vision of Hoboken on his latest mailer looks like a scene out of Blade Runner. 

Think I'm kidding?

Photos un-retouched by GA

DeFusco's photo isn't Hoboken at night; there are no lights. No, this is our city, darkened and bleached of color. A grim, dreary, suffocating Hoboken.  A Hoboken devoid of vibrancy and energy.

Oh, wait- Mike DeFusco promises to bring "new energy" and "vibrant" stuff like Shake Shack if you vote for him.  I get it.

A Hoboken devoid of Mayor Mike DeFusco is a dystopian Hell.

Hoboken voters will be choking on thick toxic air,  stumbling in the dark, buying wine from Sparrows instead of urban wineries, drinking coffee from Starbucks not coffee-roasters, shooting each other with ray guns, unless we elect the vibrant, new energy guy.  And you get his renderings, too.  He'll buy you a beach.

Ravi Bhalla and Jen Giattino don't have renderings, therefore are not vibrant and lack new energy. In fact, just open the mailer and you will be shocked to see the bad shit they've done.

Jen put a car in a hole!  Ravi did too! They both ruined Washington street! Unless...

Washington Street isn't really "ruined", it's mid-construction and...

Mike DeFusco, the vibrant chairman of  the City Council's Transportation and Parking committee, used his new energy to vote "YES"  for the Washington Street project on February 17, 2016.

Whole lotta bullshit in the centerfold

But I digress...

It looks to me like Mike's success depends on whether voters are buying his dark vision of Hoboken.

Next, he has to convince them that only his vibrant self and his renderings can save us. That's a big lift...

Maybe why polling shows his candidacy has lost "energy" and "vibrancy."

Let's see what happens tonight.

2017 Hoboken Mayoral Debate
Wednesday, Oct. 25 
Stevens Institute of Technology’s DeBaun Auditorium, 
co-hosted by the Stevens Institute of Technology and its Student Government Association


  1. Imagine a city run by gleefully corrupt manchild who took Apple Jacks boxes stuffed with $25,000 cash in the parking lot of the Malibu in exchange for promises of development rights.

    A city whose mayor carried Roberts' water like a loyal soldier and opposed the state financial takeover to continue hiding epic mismanagement that led to a 47% tax hike.

    A city whose citizenry is divided into classes based on loyalty to the mayor, the lowest of which is to be "ground into powder."

    That's Hoboken under the person DeFusco remained fiercely loyal to even after the arrest and follows in the footsteps of to this day.

    1. Annotation for Jen and Tiffanie's benefit:

      The person I'm referring to in the above is named Peter Cammarano. Before your time, but worth a Google nonetheless.


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