The Pounding of Tree Blossoms

Look at that!

The last time we saw those 14 generators they were huddled in the frost, snow and ice of that HHA parking lot on Fourth and Harrison Streets. 


Well, as you can see, Spring has sprung, and those 14  brand, new generators, "twice as powerful as the existing ones" are enjoying the flora blossoming above.  And you know, "HUD also said that the weather will have to subside before they are installed."

It looks like the weather has "subsided."  

I guess spring might be looming, but the manufacturer wanted to prove that its new model generator, more powerful than previous iterations, could withstand the whacking from falling tree-blossoms.

Plink! Plink! Plink!

Gosh, I'm going to miss those 14 generators when they get installed.  They've become like giant, metal friends with motors.  

Won't you miss them, too?

Or maybe you won't!  Something tells me we'll be watching Independence Day fireworks with them in that lot.  Or you will, because I'm not allowed there.  Assemblyman Garcia said it's "trespassing."   In fact, if I go back I may find a summons in my mailbox and a cop at my door- and he won't be bringing me chocolates. Or roses.

So, GA cannot take credit for the bucolic parking lot photo, now that I know I am "trespassing" in this public lot open to the street and paid for with my federal tax dollars.  Nope, it was sent by an HHA resident who trespasses there daily to retrieve his/her car parked there.

The HHA resident-photographer sent the photo with this note:
Are those flowers budding from the trees telling us Spring is here? Well, I guess the generators will have to wait til they survive all 4 seasons so it can be proven, they are real kick-ass generators that can survive the elements. Oh, I forgot they're for the Vision 20/20 buildings. How can I forget? That's why Garcia had the fire extinguishers removed from the buildings & allowed other damage to be done to the buildings to have them condemned.
I don't know about those fire extinguishers, but I would say it's time for the HFD to do another inspection in those buildings. 

 Well, GA's gotten requests for my communications with HUD.  I am not going to compromise a federal investigation, and these will remain private.  I don't have confidence that this matter will be resolved at the local level. Not at all.  Here's one I can show you.

From: Nancy Pincus 
Sent: Tuesday, February 25, 2014 11:37 AM
To: Susan Mearns
Subject: Hoboken Reporter Attribution to HUD spokesman

Dear Ms. Mearns,

I am trying to find out the name of the HUD official spokesperson who provided the following information for the Hoboken Reporter story: HUD: Installation of generators in public housing slated for spring.

The article discusses the future of 14 generators delivered to the Hoboken Housing Authority in “September and October” but sit in a snow-covered parking lot, uninstalled.  The article cites an un-named “HUD spokesman” for the explanation.  Some of the “HUD spokesman’s” statements do not make sense- including:  

In fact, HUD said, the generators were delivered in fall on purpose. At the time, HUD, Garcia and the vendor were aware that inclement weather might be looming, but the manufacturer wanted to prove that its new model generator, more powerful than previous iterations, could withstand the elements. The HHA is currently in the process of seeking a contractor who will install the generators.

Can you please advise who represented your agency for the information provided to the Hoboken Reporter?   Please provide his/her contact information.  A spokesman for HUD expenditure of federal dollars should not be anonymously sourced. 

I have been writing about these generators since contacted by a resident of the HHA who was concerned about why they have been sitting out all winter and have not been installed.     

Very truly yours,
Nancy Pincus

From: Susan Mearns []
Sent: Tuesday, February 25, 2014 2:47 PM
To: 'Nancy Pincus'
Subject: RE: Hoboken Reporter Attribution to HUD spokesman

Hello Ms. Pincus,

Please be advised that, although the Division of Housing and Community Development, receives funding from HUD, the Division is not a HUD Agency.  Based upon the information you provided, the Hoboken Housing Authority is under the Newark Field Office, Division of Public Housing.  The Director of the Office of Public Housing is Sonia Burgos and the telephone number is 973-776-7210.  As you advised, information was provided by a spokesperson from HUD.  Although the person was not identified, based upon the information provided, the Newark Field Office houses all HUD funded activities for the State of New Jersey and I would assume that the spokesperson came from this office.  Please feel free to contact me if you have additional questions.

Susan Mearns
Division Chief
Hudson County Division of Housing and Community Development        

Now, doesn't that raise even MORE questions?

You bet.


  1. While the bizarro weather test may be satisfactory to Carmelo and his friend the manufacturer, it remains to be seen whether the new generators can 'withstand' being plugged in, turned on, and used. It has remained to be seen for a very long time now. All municipalities have started their road repairs. That only begins when the worst of the harsh weather is over.

    What's the excuse now?

  2. Does the warranty run out whether used or not after a certain period like 60 days or a year? Hmm, is the HHA waiting until the warranty elapses to say, we just plugged them in and they didn't run? We have to buy new ones. ChaChing!

  3. I was hoping to see the generators dressed for the holidays in cute outfits. Maybe dressed as the Easter Bunny this season; a Flag for the 4th, a turkey for Thanksgiving, and ending with Santa Claus by winter. And of course starting with Easter once more as I can see those generators are going to be there for a long time until either enough graft $ will allow Vision $/$ to pass or until they rust into the ground. After all tenant safety is not really important, isn't?


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