Know Your Ballot!

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Kids First, Mayor Zimmer and her At-Large slate: Bhalla, Mello and Doyle

Knowing your ballot before you enter the booth will insure against voting malpractice.

How would you feel if you accidentally voted for :
  • The Budget Flop Guy (Ruben) who spent 10 YEARS on  our City Council (1999-2009) but hasn't mentioned it ONCE in his campaign (HINT: he voted YES on an under-funded budget, created an $11.4M deficit,  triggered a State Fiscal Monitor Judy Tripodi bringing a MASSIVE  tax hike)...  Ramos HIDES his 10 year record, because RAMOS drove the city into a massive deficit and tax hike!  
Ruben's campaign web site:  Ramos' bio  MISSING 10 YEARS on Hoboken City Council
Ruben's Campaign MAILERS: Ramos cant mention a single accomplishment in his 10 Year City Council Record!

  • The Realtor Guy (B. Murray) who badmouths public schools, repeats bogus real estate polls calling Hoboken 'America's Least Attractive District'  then gives seminars on fleeing Hoboken, citing "schools" as the number one reason, some call that 'selling-out' Hoboken- ka ching ka ching.
BoE candidate a realtor who badmouths public schools and gives seminars on fleeing for the burbs

Honestly folks, how would you feel if you accidentally pulled the lever for one of THEM, because you were not prepared for unfamiliar ballot terrain?

So PLEASE.... study the ballot at the top of this page.  I don't want any one to come crying to me... "Waaaaaaaah!  GA,  I voted for the DOOFUS!"

Don't even try it.

Know your ballot then GET OUT THE VOTE!!!  
Slammin' video by Greg Bond a.k.a. yoGregory


  1. The BOE candidates should be grouped by slate like the Council candidates.


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