The Myth and the Lies: 2003-2008

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2010 enrollment source: Hoboken BoE User-Friendly Budget

As GA reported yesterday, wildly fictitious information about student enrollment was provided by our School Superintendents Gagliardi and Raslowsky and the 2003-2008 School Boards.

One may assume that enrollment numbers were pumped up to get more cash from the state while keeping the actual cost per pupil down.  This while BoE members and their friends lived large on School Board money; steak dinners, cell phones, Atlantic City junkets for friends (with stipends!), jobs-jobs-jobs...

And now, past manipulations of student enrollment are being used by political operatives for false claims that students are abandoning public schools and blaming Kids First,  the reformers who took the majority back from the Old Guard 'thieves' in 2009.

Kids First STOPPED the false reporting and budget chicanery. 

2009 is the year the enrollment was reported to the NJDOE accurately- hence the 18% "drop" the operatives spew.

There was no "drop"- take a look at the actual 2008-2009 Financial audit data (page 171):

And an artificial "drop" in public school enrollment that is in fact, creeping up- in spite of 3 Charter schools in Hoboken.

The progress that has been made and is continuing in our public schools is under threat by the same individual that pumped money out of them for themselves, their friends, and tried to cover it up by falsifying enrollment numbers to the state.

These are the people attending our School Board meetings sitting in the back row with thugs in tow, bringing former Board  members from Secuacus, coordinating with a bitter Texan who unsuccessfully sued the Hoboken Board of Education, and licking their chops at our $59 million budget.

And our $1 million surplus- which we only have because of the honest work of Kids First.

So for your information, GA will list the members of the 2003-2008 School Boards- and you tell me if you see a 'theme' (a * denotes a current Board member):

 John Raslowsky, President
Frances Kearns *
Carmelo Garcia *
James Farina
Theresa Burns
Michelle Russo
David Anthony
Frank Raia 
George Fonseca

Wanda Alicea. President
Carmelo Garcia *
Frances Kearns * 
John Raslowsky
Theresa Burns
George Fonseca
David Anthony
James Farina
Frank Raia

Frank Raia, President
Carmelo Garcia * VP
Frances Kearns *
 Wanda Alicea
David Anthony
Theresa Burns
James Farina
Magdelena Porrata
John Raslowsky

Frank Raia,  President
Carmelo Garcia  * VP
Frances Kearns *
 John Raslowsky
Theresa Burns
James Farina
Magdelena Porrata
Ron Rosenberg
Wanda Alicea

Carmelo Garcia *
Frances Kearns *
 Frank Raia
Theresa Burns
James Farina
Anthony Romano
Theresa Minutillo
Jack Raslowsky (replaced with Wanda Alicea)
Magdelena Porrata

Theresa Minutillo* Pres
Frank Raia
Frances Kearns *
Carmelo Garcia *
Jimmy Farina
Anothony Romano
Phil DeFalco
Carrie Gilliard
Rose Marie Markle *

Folks, feel free to link the top graph at--
