Political Attack on a Hoboken Mom

That's me.  With my little one.

I was walking her to school this morning, and look what I saw!

All over cars, on light posts.   

Strategically placed where my little girl could see them.  She didn't.

Not today.

This is an attack on Kids First, using me as a proxy.

This is an effort to elect Move Forward, the BoE candidates powered by corrupt politicians and their operatives.

DIRTY CAMPAIGN: The flier attack on the Hoboken mom was done to elect these School Board candidates. 

It's politics, folks.

People who claim to care about children, then place this on their path on the way to school.

Why me?

I am not a political candidate.

I am a mom who's been blogging about local political corruption since March 2010.   That makes me very unpopular with corrupt individuals in Hoboken. Like those who file SLAPP suits.  And ones who've looted the coffers of the Hoboken Board of Education for steak dinners, cell phones, trips to Atlantic City for pals, hundreds of mystery-jobs, self-endorsed checks... and so much MORE.

ALL that BoE corruption happened when Frank Raia, the Treasurer of Move Forward, was President of the School Board in 2005-2006. (source: KPMG BoE audit)

But understand this: 
  • the people behind the flier don't give a rat's ass about our public schools
  • the people behind the flier want Kids First to LOSE
  • the people behind the flier want Move Forward to WIN.
  • the people behind the flier want to wet their beaks AGAIN with our kids' education dollars.
The defenders of corruption have been trying to "destroy me" since 2010.  The midnight flier is no exception.

Here are some exposes I have done on rampant ABUSES in the 2005-2006 school year- the folks behind Move Forward.  The 2005-2006 audit is online- see the evidence for YOURSELF.

In the words of BoE candidate Patricia Waiters (who endorses neither slate): "How can you Move Forward with yesterday's corruption?"

NOTE TO READERS:  I'm keeping these fliers-  please collect as many as you find, save them and contact me: grafixavenger666@gmail.com

Thank you.


  1. Sorry, didn't know you were keeping them, i ripped a couple down that were stapled to a telephone pole over at about Willow and 2nd....


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