The Mason Sympathy Tour

Do we see a strategy taking shape in the Mason camp?

First, Beth Mason's press release, now Ricky Mason's letter in The Hoboken Reporter.

What's it all about?

They believe their children are being targeted by political opponents. Not true, but that's their complaint. Were it true, it would be reprehensible. In any case, they've taken their anger on the road, picked up a few groupies, and will be appearing soon at a theater near you.

How ironic, such outrage coming from the couple who pay scum from Weehawken to dig up dirt on the Mrs.' critics and political enemies. Another specialty of their rental lackey is cyber-stalking and online harassment; publishing their victim's name and address on a highly-trafficed internet message forum is like handing any nutjob a road map to that person's CHILDREN. You see, the Masons don't worry about OTHER people's children.

At least they didn't worry about MINE.

I was the target of one of their vindictive cyber-smear campaigns.

Sure, it's quieted down lately-- since the Weehawken fish left some tracks back to his fishy lair, tracks as irrefutable as a fingerprint. That's a topic for another post. But, the enlisting of Markevitch to recite almost verbatim their slimy operative's talking points shows they are adapting their filthy tactics to changing circumstances. Proof that cockroaches will inherit the Earth.

In no particular order, peruse through a tiny sampling of their vicious smear campaign, bought and paid for. Simply because I'm a Mason critic. And she doesn't like my graphics. (So you wonder why her personal Igor, Lane Bajardi, was directed to download one and cart it around town like "a naval officer with the nuclear codes"?* You know the answer: crush, kill, destroy.)

Their fishy operative uses (2) screen names: 'insidersedge' and 'patiofurniture'.

Now, if you are a 'normal' individual, you may feel some shock and disgust at what you are about to read: the price of crossing Beth Mason. Who, with her husband is now on a Sympathy Tour.

After you read this, tell me how much sympathy you feel for them.

click on any image to read

Did that gross you out?

Well, maybe you remember this little Hoboken411 "exclusive":


Let's give Mason all benefit of the doubt.

Assuming she had NO HAND in the opposition research for this piece, or coordinated its publication with the Hoboken411.... and assuming Mason is so opposed to the exploitation of a candidate's CHILD in political campaigning or in political discourse, then I have these 2 questions:
  • Why didn't Mason denounce Hoboken411 for this piece which dragged her opponent's 14-year old girl into a media firestorm, exposing her most private and painful personal history for public consumption, all for a sensational and politically-damaging headline?
  • Why does Mason CONTINUE her relationship with Hoboken411 if she finds the exploitation of children-- ANYONE'S children, in a campaign or in political discourse abhorrent?
Well, I'll just let these questions hang in cyberspace while the Masons take their truckload of bad karma on the road.
