Hoboken coronavirus curve creeping back up

Governor Murphy, won't you please untie Hoboken's hands, legislatively speaking?  The City of Hoboken can only ask politely that folks on the street wear masks and maintain social distance.  The City can't enforce polite requests. We need a local law to protect the rest of us from the unmasked knuckleheads who breathe coronavirus on the rest of us to take home to Grandma or a family member with an underlying condition.  

Today, I saw an unmasked woman pushing a shopping cart into ACME. Boy, I hope that her selfish covid-spewing face was escorted out by the store manager.  For G-d's sake. Think about the supermarket cashiers who risk their lives going to work every day.  

When Joe Biden becomes President, he has said he'll federalize the country's coronavirus response, and enforce mask-wearing, social-distancing, federalize contact tracing, and mandate coronavirus mitigation recommendations of government scientists. Until then, the states are on their own.  

Hoboken was at the head of the curve on implementing policies at the very start of the pandemic. People bitched and moaned when the mayor closed bars and restaurants.  In hindsight, the quick action of the City saved lives- as we see now from the total shit show in Arizona, Texas, Florida, and other states that opened up way too soon.  

Today the idiotic Trump-humping Governor of Texas, Greg Abbott, issued an executive order that all Texans must wear masks.   How about New Jersey? 

After pounding our curve, Hoboken is slipping back. The Hoboken Health Department has reported the following confirmed cases of Covid-19:

June 20:   7 new, confirmed cases
June 21:   2 new, confirmed cases
June 22:   2 new, confirmed cases
June 23:   new, confirmed cases
June 24:   new, confirmed cases
June 25:   3 new, confirmed cases
June 26:   2 new, confirmed cases    
June 27:   2 new, confirmed cases
June 28:   2 new, confirmed cases 
June 29:   2 new, confirmed cases  
June 30:   1 new, confirmed case
July 1:     new, confirmed cases

That's 30 new, confirmed cases in 12 days.

You have to think there are more infected with the virus who haven't been tested, and that they are spreading it to others. Can't we just nip this in the bud now? 

It is inevitable that our city will be adversely affected by the outbreaks in other states; folks travel for business, to see friends and family and others come here. 

If everybody across the country would wear a mask and maintain social distance, and if there were a rigorous  quarantine and contact tracing program, America's curve would look like the EU's not a vertical cliff.  Well that's not happening until President Biden and Vice President Harris (wishful thinking!) wrest those grubby orange fingers off the levers of American power. 

Until then, Governor Murphy needs to untie our City's hands. 
