Endorsements in a Year of Insurgents

Insurgents on Column A

In a political environment where it's looking more and more like a November landslide, primary elections might seem perfunctory.  That's because normally well-funded incumbents supported by their respective party machines are expected to win. Well, not this year.

In both Democratic and Republican primaries around the country we are seeing surprises; multi-term incumbents are falling to little-known challengers. 

For Republicans, Trump-backed incumbents are losing to political newbie challengers, like Colorado's Q-Anon conspiracy-believing restaurateur whose servers carry guns.   True story: it happened yesterday. Colorado's 3rd Congressional District's Trump-endorsed 5-term incumbent Scott Tipton lost to QAnon believer, Lauren Boebert.

Unfamiliar with QAnon?


Same thing for Democrats. Like the apparent loss of New York's 16-term incumbent Congressman Eliot Engel to progressive newbie, Jamaal Bowman.

Note, Engel had received endorsements from a constellation of moderate Dem heavyweights such as  House Intelligence Committee Chair Adam Schiff, House Majority Whip James Clyburn, and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi. 

Bowman, on the other hand, won endorsements from the party's left, including  Sen. Bernie Sanders,  Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY), among a host of liberal pols and organizations.  


What does an insurgent wave mean for Hoboken's July 7 primary?

Incumbent Albio Sires, who represents New Jersey's 8th Congressional District, has been endorsed by NJ Gov. Phil Murphy, Senators Cory Booker and Bob Menendez

Sires is also backed by the all-powerful Hudson County Democratic Organization (HCDO).  The HCDO candidate managed to rally endorsements from Hoboken's fractured city government:  Mayor Bhalla and all nine Council members.  Sires has also reportedly hired Vision Media, HCDO's go-to public relations firm, to unleash a flurry of attacks on his progressive opponent, Hector Oseguera.  

Sires' mad dash for endorsements means what, exactly.  Says The Jersey Journal:  


Oseguera has his share of endorsements from progressive organizations, and others including author Marianne Williamson and Jersey City Councilman James Solomon.   

Which reminds me: my absentee ballot is still sitting around. Off to it!


  1. Incumbents are going to endorse incumbents because that’s who they work with, so it mostly doesn’t carry much weight with me. Traditionally, freshmen congresspersons are supposed stay in the background while the more experienced ones do the work, yet when I look at the energy and accomplishments of the 2018 crop of new congresspersons I am so impressed. Have you seen the video of AOC asking a defense contractor why a 3 inch disk that cost $32 to make gets sold to the Pentagon for $1443 from our taxpayer money? How about Katie Porter and her questioning of Jamie Dimon, among others?

    So sure, Sires reliably votes with congressional Democrats and that’s a good thing, but he doesn’t seem that engaged with the job or constituents. Why can’t we have more than showing up to vote? Just because he’s an incumbent doesn’t mean that he is entitled to keep the job. So I’m happy to give Oseguera a shot.


  2. If I never heard of a candidate until the month before an election I would not vote for him.

  3. I voted for Oseguera, he's been on the radar of most progressive Dems for nearly a year. Really hope he wins or comes close enough to get Sires to stop phoning it in.

  4. This Hector will soon meet his Achilles.

  5. Albio lives in Fort Myers, FL.


  6. If there is someone from HO's campaign on this site take down your political posters in Hoboken they are illegal.


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