we are NOT "Stronger than the Virus": COVID-19 spikes in Hoboken

And you thought the only happy talk about slaying-the-virus-giant came from America's Idiot-in-Chief, Commander Bone-Spurs 

Nope, it's coming from a local imbecile.  First Ward Councilman Mike DeFusco, who routinely sprays Hoboken with germs on his mask-less bicycle rides, is sending the deadly message that we are "stronger than the virus."

People, we are NOT "stronger than the virus."   

That's why you need to wear your face mask outdoors-  like it or not.  

The last thing we need is a LOCAL politician to politicize a public health crisis.  The last thing we need as more and more Hoboken residents are observed withou masks on, is dangerous 'happy talk' that we are stronger than a virus that can shut our schools, wreck our economy, and kill 30 Hoboken residents.   

We are NOT "stronger than a virus," that is a fact.  If we do not fear the virus, complacency will sicken or kill some of us.  You may be tired of living like this, but we must continue to PROTECT each other from a virus that is stronger than us.  Any politician (Mike DeFusco) who plies you with feel-good, happy-talk about the novel coronavirus is a snake oil salesman- only this snake oil will attack your brain, kidneys and lungs before it kills you. 

The correct message is that we must learn how to manage risk with best practices based on science; based on the latest research on this virus spreads, adopting most current safety guidelines to protect ourselves and others in our 'new normal.' 

As if one needs proof that Mile Square residents are not "stronger than the virus," last night, Mayor Bhalla reported a spike in confirmed coronavirus cases here.  11 cases, to be exact:

My own go-to source for daily state/county coronavirus updates is The New York Times  (even if you don't subscribe, their coronavirus material is free).

Please people, remind your friends and neighbors to dress for a pandemic.


  1. Unfortunately less than half the residents seem to be wearing masks outside. I think the masks should be mandatory in stores to protect employees who are the most vulnerable. Right now, it seems to be up to the individual business to enforce.

  2. The stores and barber shop I went to today all the employees and patrons were wearing masks. The barber shop even asked for my name address and phone number to facilitate tracking if someone tests positive.


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