Feeling BOARD? Check out Washington Street!

Hoboken loves the smell of plywood in the morning....

In truth, we don't. But from a business owner's perspective, it beats broken glass followed by all-you-can grab shopping sprees. Not from peaceful protesters, but from malevolent fringe third parties who swarm in at sundown to hijack the peace and the message. 

Now, you may scoff at such precautions, but it's not your business,- literally. It's somebody else's. And it's likely that business cannot survive an all-you-can grab shopping spree. Or a smashed in storefront window, none of it covered by insurance. Most of our city's small businesses can't.

They've been shuttered for over 2 months and are barely hanging on as it is. Okay, except for the funeral home- people are still dying to get in.   

So before you shake your head, it's the cost of a few sheets of plywood versus rolling the dice--what would you do? I suppose it would depend upon the size of your bank account. But most prefer the better safe, than sorry approach.  

Can you blame them?



  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Ha ha! I was hoping this post would bring you out of the woodwork.

  2. How about some pics of those places that did not board up, that do not believe a riot is coming to Hoboken, but a legitimate protest. Iunderstand its a choice, but boarding up almost seems to taunt the violence. I just don't see rampaging riots in Hooken, but I guess we will all find out tomorrrow!!!

    1. I'm curious why Hoboken was selected and can think of more bad reasons than good ones. But I don't expect much in the way of trouble. Still, if non-resident protestors returning via the Path, it involves walking the length of the city from Maxwell Place. So, I'm not that surprised than the better-safe-than-sorry board-ups.

    2. Ugh. Violent protest in Hoboken without the bars being open to fuel alcoholic muscles? Not sure that is happening. I don't think that there are many residents of Hoboken who would participate in any violence to cause property damage or looting in town. While the George Floyd incident is horrific and I support all peaceful protests, and will support them until some fundamental changes are made, I wish that less attention had been paid to the announcement of a protest in Hoboken; good old word of mouth would have been fine. The constant chirping on social media "oooohhhh the protest, the protest, that means riots and property destruction" has only fueled anticipation and will likely cause people who would otherwise not be interested or care to come to town and stir up trouble. I have to question the motives of those who have promoted "a riot is coming to our town soon"mantra on social media. They make me think that they have an agenda which they are not disclosing. I guess we will see what happens, but I believe that it will be a whimper not a bang.

    3. Fair point, Frank. I am posting (unsolicited) pics sent to me. By all means, send more to: grafixavenger666@gmail.com. Thank you!

  3. The NYC media have often taken the easy option to cover NJ by coming to Hoboken. That media attention is probably why the protest organizers chose Hoboken.
    If a tree falls in the forrest does it make a sound ?

  4. This morning the route of the demonstration from Maxwell Park to Pier A has been changed to Sinatra Drive according to post on Hoboken PATCH.


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