Hoboken ass-grabber violates social distancing rules

Alleged ass-grabber

Sexual assault is not funny.  Been there.

So, the news that an (alleged) ass-grabber was arrested in Hoboken is alarming.  Even worse, the crimes he was arrested for occurred in the light of day when folks have their guard down- not in the dark of night. This tuchas-tackler allegedly violated social distancing rules- that is, the legal social distance between one's hands and a stranger's buttocks.  That social distance should be at least 6 feet, if not more. 

Ladies, be careful.  Hoboken is relatively safe, but you never know.  Please, do not judge a book by its cover.  Some books have charming and impressive covers, but contain vile, filthy tales. I recommend carrying a whistle on your person.  Just in case.  If confronted, I cannot advocate kicking an alleged ass-grabber in the nuts, but.... *wink, wink*... in case your steel-tip boot accidentally spears his danglers, well.  Accidents happen.   

For the record, all criminal Defendants are presumed innocent until a jury verdict or plea says otherwise. 


  1. Our president did far worse on numerous occasions, and even bragged about it, but that didn't stop Giattino and Cunningham from supporting him.

    1. 99.99% of #MeToo perps are leading "progressive" lights of Hollyweird, media and Dem politics (see Weinstein, Epstein, Ed Buck, Clinton, Biden, etc)

    2. G'morning, Russian Bot. 1:23 AM, huh. What's that in Moscow time?


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