Hold the pandemic propaganda

If you watch Trump briefings for that rare bit of useful information (like me) hoping he'll shut the fuck up for two seconds to let someone with a brain speak (someone who won't tell you to chug Mr. Clean or take a death pill), then you are as fed up as I am.  

This pandemic is stressful as Hell in a thousand ways. It is bad enough that our President is a bronze-colored imbecile who practices voodoo without a license. 

If a local politician tells you that your circumstance is even shittier than you thought it was, using 'logic' more twisted than a Bavarian pretzel while lying like a rug to your face, all to suit her craven political agenda during a frigging pandemic, well... you might get pissed.

Because really, if you don't know whether or not your kid is going back to school this year, or if your kid will have a graduation ceremony, or if your kid's summer internship in NYC will be canceled or if your kid's college will open next Fall-- and those are SMALL problems compared to folks who don't have enough food or money to pay the bills... 

Then why would an attention-seeking narcissistic politician who appears to want the mayor's job think she is HELPING you or a single Hoboken resident by telling you COVID-19 in Hoboken is "not as good as you think"?

NOBODY thinks COVID-19 statistics are "good" anywhere. 

I've had it with politicians at every level of government trying to manipulate public opinion with harmful lies. No, I am not swallowing Clorox. No, I am not swallowing this:  
"I am hearing from many of you that you believe Hoboken is doing so much better than others in Hudson County (which has some of the worst results in the country) because of what you read in the mayor's alerts.  "

There's more where that came from. The City originally allowed only one coronavirus test per household per CDC Guidelines. Once Hoboken obtained a sufficient supply of test kits multiple members of a single household are being tested. Also, the claim that other municipalities have tested more than Hoboken is erroneous. The politician could not possibly know that; municipalities report their total testing to the state- even Hoboken cannot access that information.
To sum it up, why so desperate to disabuse Hoboken residents of the fact that we are flattening our curve, and done well relative to our neighboring municipalities.  Why? 

Spreading disinformation intended to makes folks feel worse than they already do, in the middle of a pandemic is awful. 

"I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will  never forget how you made them feel."
-Maya Angelou


  1. Hang in there, Councilgirl Fisher!

    Remember: people used to criticize me savagely. Then one day it just started to taper off and they started asking instead why anyone was still following me. Now my followers get most of the heat. Everyone expects me to say whatever pops into my head while I'm sittin' on the bowl. Put Drano on your icecream, whatever.

    And you're almost there! Before you know it, no matter what kind of self-serving batshit that comes out of your mouth, people will only talk about your followers and wonder why you still have them. That's the goal! One more email like this oughta do it! Write it tonight. Get it over with!

  2. Fisher is the wind sock to Giattino's feather flag. Both always wrong about the direction of Hoboken's political winds because they're standing in their own ill winds, tossed once in awhile by the hot air coming from DeFusco and Ramos.

  3. Well this all plays perfectly for when they say the mayors response to the Covid wasn't good enough! The party line being that Ramos was the only senior savior. That won't work for DeFusco since he just tried to kill the seniors off, but Ramos will be holding a small parade in the pocket park of the 4th Ward soon enough.


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