Mayor's 4/13 update: 322 cases, 17 fatalities total

credit: Hudson County View

Yesterday was something else.  A plague, a tornado watch... no locusts? 

At last the sun poked through in time for our city's daily tribute to heroes: pot banging, bell ringing, cat calls, applause, horn honking. Maybe when this is all over, Hoboken can throw a parade for our doctors, nurses, healthcare workers, supermarket employees, postal workers, HPD, HFD, and all the people who put themselves at risk every day to keep our residents alive, our mail delivered, our supermarkets stocked, our city running.   Wouldn't you love that? 
Below is an update from Mayor Ravi S. Bhalla for Hoboken residents:

I extend my thanks to the 47 volunteers who braved the weather and helped pack and distribute over 2,200 meals for our seniors at five senior buildings today. Hoboken’s senior meal program will continue over the next two weeks, and any extra help is greatly appreciated. If you’re interested in lending a hand, please email Caroline at Face covers will be provided if you do not have one.

Impact of COVID-19 in Hoboken
The Hoboken Health Department reported 19 new confirmed cases of COVID-19 on Sunday, and 10 confirmed cases today for a total of 322 in Hoboken. Thankfully, there were no fatalities. As always, the Hoboken Health Department has been conducting investigations to ensure those in close contact with the individuals are entering into self-quarantine. The Riverside Medical facility was closed today due to high winds and will reopen tomorrow.

Free Jersey Bike memberships now available for hospital employees
In order to assist our medical professionals at the Hoboken University Medical Center, Hoboken is partnering with Jersey Bike to offer all employees at the hospital free bike share memberships and unlimited 45 minute rides for 30 days. We want to ensure that this shared transportation option is provided to our hardworking hospital workers free of charge so they have this added convenience, if they need it. If it saves even a couple employees an extra 5-10 minutes of commuting on their day, it is well worth it. Instructions on redeeming this option were provided to Carepoint, which can distribute to interested hospital employees.

Regional approach to re-opening
One common and understandable question I have been receiving is about when I think Hoboken will re-open its restaurants, businesses, and more. The unfortunate answer is while we’re hopeful it will be safe to do so in the near future, the reality is we don’t know for sure. To re-open our region without proper protocols and medical experts advising to do so could be dangerous and lead to a further spread of COVID-19. I’m glad that today, Governor Murphy and governors from New York, Connecticut, Rhode Island, Delaware, Pennsylvania, and Massachusetts formed a regional advisory council as a part of a joint effort to guide the region’s re-opening. This is a smart and practical way to ensure our region is acting together and prioritizing the health and safety of our residents ahead of anything else.

State of Emergency extended until further notice
The State of Emergency we declared in Hoboken on March 12 is extended, along with all current rules, regulations and closures, until further notice. Medical experts are anticipating New Jersey is near its apex, and we must continue to do everything possible to promote self-isolation and remain home at all practical times. The continued closure of City parks in particular continues to be necessary in order to prevent the spread of COVID-19.

Internet and telecommunications prohibited from terminating services
Governor Murphy today signed an executive order prohibiting internet and telecommunications providers from disconnecting internet and phone services for nonpayment until 30 days after the state of emergency. Any downgrades of service or late fees are not permitted unless authorization has been granted through the State.

Help is here for those who need it
Self-isolation can be challenging for many, particularly those that may unfortunately fall victim to domestic violence. If you are being abused by someone, know that help is available and you are not alone. Here are some helpful phone numbers, as we posted before, that you should never hesitate to call if you need it:

National Domestic Violence Hotline: 800-799-7233

Crisis Text Line: Text “NJ” to 741741

Family Helpline: 800-843-5437

Mental Health Hotline: 866-202-4357

Census update
We today crossed the 50% response rate in Hoboken for the 2020 Census. Unfortunately, we still have 50% of the population that has yet to respond. If you haven’t completed your census yet, please don’t wait – Hoboken will be dependent on federal funding determined by the census count after COVID-19. Please, do your part for Hoboken and fill out the questionnaire at

As always, thank you Hoboken and please stay safe, and indoors.

Ravi S. Bhalla
