Hoboken budget casualties: 79 workers receive layoff notices

As reported earlier today on Hudson County View:
"79 Hoboken City Hall workers received layoff notices on Friday, though it remains unclear how many municipal employees will lose their jobs as a the result of an impending, multi-million dollar budget shortfall." 
This is sobering news. We all knew that layoffs were one option to address Hoboken's looming $7M budget shortfall; now it's happening.  According to the notices, the layoffs will be effective at the close of the working day on May 7, 2020.  

 Read John Heinis' article for more detail. 

My heart goes out to those impacted.  I can personally relate to the toll a layoff can take on a family; my dad was laid off for an extensive period of time when I was in High School. 

To any partisan political hyenas who exploit these layoffs for partisan talking points: you suck. 

To recap: the main reasons for the pending budget crisis as stated previously are rising healthcare and pension costs,  settling previously negotiated union contracts, and a decline in revenue from new construction, municipal court fees and parking. 

How much will these layoffs offset expected municipal tax increases? That remains to be seen.

Expect a large turnout at Wednesday's City Council meeting.


  1. I believe the Civil Service rules requires that City workers need to be noticed ahead of any possible layoff that could happen, whether or not the do actually happen.
    Hopefully the all parties will turn off the partisan rhetoric and hyperbole and find way to work out a reasonable plan that works for both workers and taxpayers.

    1. Yeah, I had heard that those "layoffs could happen" notices had gone out- that was before last Friday. If that was correct, then what went out last Friday was the second notice, more imminent. All I can say is that this is traumatic and devastating for those affected, and seeing how partisan hacks are exploiting personal pain for their partisan agendas makes me want to throw up.

    2. “ To any partisan political hyenas who exploit these layoffs for partisan talking points: you suck.“

      Come on. If it was Mayor DeFusco you would be slamming him. Stop being a hypocrite.

    3. Anon@ 12:23- FALSE. I don't exploit people's PAIN for ammo to score partisan political points. That's what Trump, his cult and Trump-fusco are about.

  2. Shouldnt the Mayor and Council have known that these costs were going to increase when they passed the budget? These increases dont just come out of the blue. Also, I've seen $7M and $14M, which one is it, or when will we be able to know definitively?

    1. It's fair to ask who knew what and when, but really what difference would it make when the increases are fixed costs outside of the City's control? 6 Union contract settlements, rising health insurance and pension costs with lower revenue on parking, municipal court fees and construction permits.

      Yeah, former B.A. Marks pegged the shortfall at $7.4M in December and City Hall says that hasn't changed so for now, I'll go with the official number and not alarmist council speculation without substantiation. I guess in Hoboken the number- $7M or $14M or $100M- depends on which side of the political divide one stands, sits or reclines. Not sure when we find out definitively- can't wait.

  3. To not have seen this coming after last year's use of the surplus is beyond absurd. Now get to work.

  4. Hindsight is 20/20

  5. Over on his fan page known as MSV, DeFiasco's handlers wrote a letter for him in which he lies and states that the workers in city hall were asked to sign gag orders. You'd think his posse would know better, because of their Hudson County connections, and the County is one of the reasons for the tax increase.

    Hoboken needs a new freeholder.

    Mikey can try to claim some sort of solidarity with the employees, but he's pretty much hated by all of them, which shows good judgment on their parts.

    1. Hated is a strong word to describe how City workers fell about him, perhaps despised is more appropriate. He has a well deserved reputation of treating them badly when ever he interacts with them.
      MSV is not a fan page for MDF, what they have is a disturbingly intense, almost psychotic, irrational hatred of Mayor Bhalla.


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