Vlad's First Thanksgiving

It's hard not to notice when a foreign adversary owns two branches of American government.

Congratulations, Vlad!  Well done! 

You've got our Secretary of State and the whole "Gaga Over Putin" (GOP) Party spewing Kremlin talking points ("Ukraine hacked DNC servers!")... You've also got President Gump letting you ethnic-cleanse our allies in Syria while gushing over an invitation to your May Day Parade.  

Yeah, Trump's been your bitch for years but still, who could have imagined how completely the entire GOP became your bitches... it's only a matter of time until we're all speaking Russian.

So, sit down at the American your table.  Take big bites and chew slowly.  'Cause next week you'll watch Impeachment Kabuki Theater, where Gaga Over Putin members spit out (more) Kremlin talking points, ignore evidence of Dear Leader's corruption, attack truth-tellers and patriots, and roll over so Gump can scratch their bellies.   It won't be long, Vlad!  Soon Moscow Mitch will shut down this Impeachment Kabuki, so Gump can live to cheat, extort and profiteer again.

For everyone else... HAPPY THANKSGIVING. 


  1. Don't forget his AG who will treat suspicions of Russian interference as acts of treason and investigate accordingly.

    And Mike Pompeo, who graduated 1st in his class at West Point, now suggesting Ukrainian election interference is worth investigating?

    There are simply no words for this collapse of institutions. It is only to be survived.

  2. Three "professors" today were hilarious. Only missing their pussy hats. Trump landslide in 2020. A vote for Trump is, oddly enough, a vote for sanity. Lest you be mourning the nearly monochromatic Dem field, save Spartacus,after departure of Harris, take solace in that you still have Fauxahontas, Harvard Law's first woman of color, and all of her loony tune "plans" to lose bigly should she be the surviving loon.

    1. Dark Load, you're either a dull blade or a Russian asset- or both. You're welcome!

    2. Hillary paid Russians to interfere in election you dolt

    3. Dark Load, are you a Russian bot?

  3. darxxxxxxxxxxklp who you rooting for in2020


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