Thank you, team!

Elections don't always bear the results you (we) wanted, but all of you stepped up to serve, sacrificed time with your families, worked hard, gave what you had, and deserve R-E-S-P-E-C-T.  You've sure got mine.  

It's a brand new day. Do not give up, or give in, remember CHARACTER MATTERS MOST.  

Congratulations to the Phil-ster!  I do not envy you... but I know you will give as good as  you get, even better.   



  2. Notwithstanding alot of the over the top rhetoric flying around on line, this election was clean and hard fought by the candidates without any discernable trace of the vote buying that has plagued us for so long.

    Winners and losers both deserve kudos for their efforts and their contributions to the political dialogue.

    1. What I said last night:

      "Congratulations to all of the candidates, winners and not-winners. It takes courage to step up and run for elected office-especially in Hoboken."

      I am not sure it was as clean as you seem to think it was on the other side, but any possible unclean activity was outside the margin of error. Didn't matter. And the slime that was thrown at Phil-- criminal accusations-- that was "liked" on Facebook and shared by others... well, like I said: character matters. I did not see that gutter behavior on this team.


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