DeFusco campaign sending mail, registering voters at City Hall?

Eric Moore, the recipient of this DeFusco campaign mail, is one of at least 8 new voter registrations at 94 Washington Street (City Hall).

The more registered voters, the better, I say.  

However, it is unclear why City Hall is receiving so much DeFusco campaign mail, and whether all of the DeFusco-mail addressees correspond to new voter registrations.  If so, are any of these new voters being incentivized to vote for a particular candidate (like Mike DeFusco?)   

With the ongoing federal investigation into Hoboken elections, why would any campaign incentivize voters to vote for their candidate?   

But, you know I would have said the same thing: why would a councilperson vote to create a Pay-to-Play compliance officer tasked with reviewing ELECs for compliance with local Pay-to-Play law, then allegedly BREAK said law? It doesn't make sense. Does it? 

Not to me. But that is the City of Hoboken's allegation.  The DeFusco campaign's alleged local Pay-to-Play violations are under review by Presiding Judge Peter Bariso at Hudson County Superior Court.  

OPRA #19-2311


  1. Homeless people may use city hall as a mailing address for the purpose of registering to vote.

  2. I can find no proof under USPS regulations that a homeless person may receive mail to any given municipality's city hall. That Hoboken may allow it may be the case, though the logistics of this don't make any sense at all. However, the USPS does allow homeless people with proper ID to receive mail through its general delivery service to the main branch of a post office, or a PO box if they can afford one, which I think is the case with the lady who camps out by city hall and used to drag a series of poor cats around with her.

    Either way, neither 94 Washington Street nor the main post office is their home or "address". They do not live in the first ward, or anywhere else, sad to say. DeFusco, consistent with his craven behavior, strikes a new low by trying to exploit this vulnerable population, whom he has never and will never help. It's doubtful that this neurotic narcissist has ever volunteered at St. Matthew's, the Hoboken shelter, the Y, St. Lucy's or anywhere else. He is clearly just trying to get these people to vote for him through a mail in ballot in exchange for what we can all guess is probably the "incentive".

    1. Any mail in ballot using 94 Washington Street should be challenged.

    2. Homeless folks may use a location such as a park, street corner, or even city hall. USPS regs may not cover voting rights. ACLU can confirm above. Also check voter registration form.

    3. And I suspect the scumbag who decided to register homeless people will be passing out T-shirts and $40 dollar checks for properly cast ballots. You have to love how predictable the scumbags are each election cycle.

    4. Anon @ 5:54, I'm not sure that's correct, otherwise anyone can claim to be homeless and give a series of random addresses or locations and vote multiple times in the same election. One example of the federal requirement for a physical mailing address is how Republicans disenfranchised Native Americans whose dwellings on reservations often didn't have conventional street numbering systems. Some tribes have corrected that, but in the meanwhile, they could not vote.

      I'm pretty sure that general delivery to the main PO branch is the nation-wide standard for the chronically homeless.

      Either way, many of the faces of the homeless in the first ward are known, and the challengers at the polls that day should challenge them and only allow them to vote provisionally.

      Those challenges will then most likely reveal DeFusco's scam.

    5. Look at a voter registration form. It has instructions if you are homeless. They may use a park or even a street corner as an address. Some use a post office or other governmental office.

    6. For the record, I'm all for the rights of homeless folks to vote.

      However, it's unprecedented that City Hall is getting campaign mail from ONE campaign (DeFusco's) addressed to persons who have registered to vote there. I would be curious to ask these individuals whether they are being paid or somehow compensated with a thing of value to vote for a particular candidate.

    7. It is DeFusco. You can already tell based on two consecutive campaigns in a row w/ campaign finance irregularities that he doesn't stay within the lines.


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