BREAKING: Peter finds balls! Throws Dallara under the bus!

It took dropping out of the council race for Peter Cunningham to discover his own balls.  

While this blog has consistently disagreed with Tiffanie Fisher and Jen Giattino for joining a political alliance with Michael DeFusco and Ruben Ramos, I will (and have) acknowledged that the females of the "good government trio" took all the hits for Peter, who remained nearly mute during the past 2 years of scorched-earth council score-settling.  Peter's governing stance has been passive-aggressive, staying mum at meetings while Giattino and Fisher jousted over who should pay for croissants and pizza, refusing to vote on the mayor's rent leveling board appointments, trying to oust Easter Seals and Jason Freeman from Hoboken. Peter never wanted to be viewed as controversial nor as getting in bed with shady characters, nevertheless he voted for every piece of anti-administration, vendetta-driven legislation with the shady characters while he hid behind Giattino/Fisher's skirts.   

Then he sandbagged both women when he dropped out of the race abruptly. 

Which may be why all of a sudden he has come out swinging hard, and mean- he found his balls! Only now he's throwing them wildly, all over the place.   

Did you read that shit he wrote about Phil?  Don't. That was a straight-up smear.  If the 5th ward councilman believed a single thing he alleged Phil did in 2014, then it was utterly immoral of him to take a dime of Cohen's money in 2015.  

And he did take Phil's money.  5,000 dimes. 

Perhaps Cunningham realized what a frigging dipshit he made of himself, because today's "newsletter" takes a more measured tone- no criminal accusations- just more dipshittery.   

Yes, Cunningham has cashed in the rest of his credibility on endorsing 2/3 of the BoE ticket (not the Sheillah Dallara 1/3) plus the BoE Independent candidate.  

Peter Cunningham, who never thought Hoboken Public Schools were good enough to actually use- in past years I recall his reluctance to endorse our candidates at all- all of a sudden volunteers an endorsement to bump off incumbent Sheillah Dallara, an excellent board member with a special needs child in the district.   

Peter Cunningham endorses 2/3 of the incumbent BoE slate- throws Sheillah Dallara (red dress) under the bus

Folks, if Peter Cunningham tells you NOT to vote for Sheillah, by all means please, please vote for Sheillah.  

GA used the Hoboken District, and loved it.  In fact, I have thought long and hard over whether or not to endorse because for the first time in my memory, we have more qualified candidates than open BoE seats.  If I endorse, it will be based on who and what I believe will be the best for the 2,000 or so children of the district, and I will have reasons for choosing those candidates.

Not like Peter Cunningham, who dribbled some nonsense about how great Sheillah was before he threw her under the bus. 


  1. That’s the thing with a Cohen. Sometimes you forget to throw them under the bus until later and then everyone acts you’re some kind of hypocrite because you forgot to do the thing with the bus. I had the same problem with my Cohen.

  2. It is telling that Cunningham could not bring himself to endorse Ramos or DeFusco.

    1. Defusco and Ramos are the dixiecrats of the coalition. An embarrassment, but one they can't get anything passed without. When the war on poverty started, the dixiecrats became republicans and have stayed there ever since. Hoping that starts tomorrow.


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