Got a Pulse? 5th Ward debate tonight!

stale press release

Okay, so the press release is a week old, and the event that it advertises starts in 90 minutes....

Better late than never! 

For folks who aren't going to tonight's railyards meeting at 7:00 pm at the Multi-Service Center (124 Grand Street), then by all means, attend tonight's 5th Ward debate at the Mile Square Theater (1400 Clinton Street).  

Yes, you can watch front-runner Phil Cohen be pelted with verbal tomatoes! Yep, Tim Crowell and Nicola Maganuco will tag-team harangue Phil that he's never see a variance he didn't love, then Phil will remind them of the major applications-- Block 112,  for example, that he voted "no" on.  

What else will they throw at Phil? Not Ginsu knives, I hope! 

Anyway, GA called Peter Biancamano to get the contingency plan for folks who want to see the whole debate, but can't make it tonight. 

Peter said that highlights of the show will air on Sunday and/or Monday at 9AM, (to be announced on The Pulse Facebook page)  on the following cable channels:

FIOS- channel 46
Optimum- channel 18
Comcast- channel 190 

Peter will post the full, uncut debate after his program airs on cable, likely on Tuesday but...  he has promised  me a heads-up when the full debate goes up, so I can publish it right here.

Woo-hooo. Good luck to all three candidates tonight. Play nice! 
