Call for Volunteers for Cristin! Tomorrow @ 10AM...

Tomorrow (Saturday) at 10AM sharp!
LOCATION: email CCP at 

This is what we are up against next month, people. Two persons who once stood with Mayor Zimmer, obeying Hoboken pay-to-play rules, complaining to Hoboken's City Clerk about pay-to-play violators have crossed over to The Dark Side.  

Last Wednesday, this coalition tabled Jim Doyle and Emily Jabbour's resolution to enforce Hoboken Pay-to-Play contribution limits ($500).   GA hears that Fisher blathered on, attacking the Administration that this was a "stunt."   Fisher did not think obeying Pay-to-Play law was a "stunt" when she wrote her letter to Clerk Jimmy Farina, nailing Mike DeFusco for over $70K in Hoboken P2P violations.  But look, now the Pay-to-Player is her running-mate. 

If it looks like a duck, walks like a duck, quacks like a duck, it's not an ostrich. 

From attending each other's fundraisers, to voting against campaign finance limits, to bringing back run-off elections, to employing the same campaign media relations firm, they are a slate. Undeclared, as they disingenuously attempt to hold onto the mantle of Reform.  

Disingenous is the word.  A very reliable source: 

This summer Jen (Giattino) and Mike (DeFusco) showed up in Jersey City at a meeting of The Building Trades Council, a weekly meeting of reps from a number of local union organizations that work together to ensure unionized labor gets jobs.  I know because at least one union rep told me that he found it odd that two councilpersons would be present for a Union Meeting and found it distasteful that they'd be allowed to talk ill of a mayor who is so pro-union.   

Imagine that. Jen Giattino, who was Republican 5 minutes ago, bashed our pro-union Mayor at a Building Trades Council meeting, escorted by the King Pay-to-Play himself, Mike DeFusco.  What the hell happened to her?  

Anyway...  6th ward folks. The good news is there is a progressive powerhouse, a woman who embodies everything good about reform governance, who wants to represent our ward.  Cristin is not a divisive person, nor a political animal. She is in this for all the right reasons.  We need a council erpson who is not divisive, who is honest, who can work with all sides and has zero political aspiriations.

That's right. Cristin has a pretty hot private-sector career. She is not interested in being a Dem Party Delegate, nor does she have any higher political aspiration. Cristin is 4th generation Hoboken. It's called giving back. 

See  you tomorrow. 


  1. Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.

    - Albert Einstein

    Time to change the variables.


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