Will Team Pay-to-Play protect Hoboken elections tonight or stay home (to protect their cash cow)

GA suspects that five of the council members who tabled legislation (asking the City of Hoboken to enforce its Pay-to-Play ordinance) will not show up to vote on it tonight.   

With five members absent, the meeting will be automatically dismissed for lack of quorum.

Hard to believe that persons who supported Reform governing principles and clean elections for 10 years have so completely lost their way. 

Believe what you see.  The "good government trio" is no more; they've banded together with serial campaign finance lawbreakers and vbm harvesters under Mike DeFusco's campaign management.

It's not rocket science why "reform resistors" tabled pay-to-play enforcement: to protect their cash cow, Mike DeFusco.  Giattino has Vision Media bills to pay as does Tiffanie Fisher.  Where is the money going to come from?  Quarterly ELEC reports are due in about 3 weeks.  Mike DeFusco's July 2019 ELEC shows that 87.6% of his quarterly receipts came from Unions and PACS;  of $19,522,84 reported in total, $17,100 were from the PACs/UNIONS and many in excess of Hoboken's $500 Pay-to-Play limit. 

I believe that's explains the real reason this crew tabled Pay-to-Play enforcement.  Shame on Fisher's manufactured outrage,  lying about "letters" from Corporation Counsel calling our local ordinance "nonenforceable."  

Read the ordinance. Enforcement is the jurisdiction of Hoboken's City Clerk.  Just because he hasn't been doing it, doesn't mean he can't. Maybe the City Council never made an issue of it, until now. That legislation is what Fisher, Giattino, Cunningham, DeFusco, Falco and Ramos tabled.

JULY 15, 2019 

Wake up, people.  Your "good government trio" may look exactly as they did in 2015, but they've been body-snatched by pods from Planet Corruption. All have zero interest in following Hoboken's campaign finance limits.  Isn't that obvious?  I think they'll no-show tonight.   

I really hope I'm wrong. 

