Defusco tells opponent to LEAVE HER Job, waive her $43K salary

Mike Defusco's coffers may be brimming with developer, Union and PAC loot, but its clear he's bankrupt on accomplishments.  Which is why his re-election campaign vacillates between nasty attacks in the press and whiny social media snits; if he's not blubbering about the mayor on Facebook, he's  stealing credit for other people's work (such as bringing WiFi to the PATH station--he had ZERO to do with that.) Note, the Councilman blocks Hoboken residents who dare to refute his nonsense or simply disagree with him on those same Facebook and Twitter accounts. 

Now if DeFusco had actually served the First Ward the way he promised four years ago, then he wouldn't have struggled finding constituents to sign his petitions (more on that later).  

In fact, Mike DeFusco's re-election campaign has the same problem as Donald Trump's: Trump hasn't "built that wall" like DeFusco hasn't built that Lackawanna Open Market or that waterfront beach/pool resort or that new High School complex on the promise of "new energy." Well, DeFusco's "new energy" turned out to be hot gas.  Which means he must reinvent himself and his opponent with a campaign of "fake news" accomplishments on heavily censored social media, to be repeated on mailers, coupled with unrelenting attacks on his opponent. 

It doesn't seem to be working. In fact, today's ugly press release attacking Migdalia Pagan-Milano, has fallen like an undercooked souffle. 

DeFusco's new attack may be the creepiest of all; he is literally attacking his opponent's ability to make a living-- he calls for her to waive her paychecks and leave her job with the Office of Constituent Services until the election is over!  What frigging chutzpah!  Councilman DeFusco gets his paycheck from the same place that Migdalia Pagan-Milano gets her's: from Hoboken B.A.  Marks.

Why does Mig have to suffer unemployment while DeFusco retains his at the City Council? 

Why does Mig have to lose her salary while Mike Defusco retains his?

That is just a d*ck move, and EVERYONE knows it.  


Not only is this attack on his opponent's livelihood petty and mean-spirited, he is politicizing the good works of the Office of Constituent Services.  

The OCS helps any resident in need; no political litmus test is given. Pagan-Milano is a critical part of that small team who work diligently helping our Hoboken neighbors. Mike DeFusco can't understand that.  He doesn't care, unless it serves him (just like Trump). He wants to hobble the ability of the OCS to suit his own selfish political agenda, a lazy idiot who politicizes EVERYTHING and is more concerned about hurting his opponent than the non-partisan work that the office does. 

This kind of political immaturity is why DeFusco's popularity in the First Ward is literally circling the bowl. (Somebody flush!)  Other reasons: broken promises, never-ending snits at the mayor, a dearth of accomplishments, shady campaign finances, Failure to work hard (skipping 8 out of 18 Planning Board meetings, playing on Facebook during public meetings), and  legislating against the interests of the First Ward (voting to dump Monarch density into the First Ward). 

So, if you're Migdalia, how would you answer DeFusco's call to walk away from your job and salary? 


  1. He is full of hot air. It is permitted in NJ. Anyway, there is not even an iota of conflict of interest unless and until she is elected. If she is elected, it would be prudent to abstain from voting on issues that would benefit her financially (such as the funding of her department), but likely corporation counsel would advise her to do that anyway.

    1. I dont think recusal works. I'm pretty sure that if elected she'd have to leave her City job before being sworn in - City employees can't serve on the City Council.

      But demanding that she give up her job just to run is not just ignorant - it's offensive and an insult not just to Migdalia but to every City worker.

      Whoever came up this strategy is a complete idiot.

    2. That's correct, numbers. Mig has to leave her job if she wins, not BEFORE. So Defusco is telling every city worker that they have to QUIT their job in order to campaign for office? Imagine the nightmare of a Mayor Defusco.

    3. Offensive and insulting is DeFusco's brand.

      Fun fact Mike according to his Facebook now wants to repackage himself by toning down his slick snake oil salesman image and has pledged to give up the vibrant suits and ties and will dress down to be more saleable to his 1st Ward constituency at least until November 6th. Sure that is condescending and insulting too but baby steps.

  2. I don't think you would use the words I or most people would use to reply to DeFusco.

    The upside of this latest stunt is the residents of the First Ward and clearly see DeFusco's true mean spiritedness.

  3. He knows he is in trouble and is getting panicked.


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