LCOR/NJT: our renderings were used on DeFusco Facebook without consent

This morning a reader sent a screenshot from  Mike DeFusco's political campaign Facebook page  with this message:

"These are NJ Transit renderings which Mike DeFusco is peddling as his own campaign material."

That's true.  Councilman Mike DeFusco's Facebook account reads "Paid for by Michael DeFusco for Hoboken City Council" and in his own words: "my social media serves political, not municipal functions."  

So, how did DeFusco access renderings from LCOR-NJT?   Did LCOR-NJT give Michael DeFusco permission to publish their renderings as props to promote his candidacy?   If so, does LCOR/NJT know that Mike DeFusco's Facebook Page is not "public domain" and he arbitrarily blocks Hoboken residents?

Is LCOR-NJT shilling for Mike DeFusco's campaign now- a campaign which routinely attacks Mayor Bhalla and members of his administration?

GA called City Hall to find out.  Wouldn't you know, City Hall had already contacted LCOR-NJT about this.  My source spoke to them directly, informing them that Councilman DeFusco was passing off their renderings as his own to promote his candidacy on Facebook. 

"Did they consent for their renderings to be used as campaign materials?", I asked. 

"No.  LCOR/NJT did not give consent for DeFusco to campaign with their renderings, but they said that they are public domain so their attorneys aren't going to do anything."

Me:  "Well,they should know that his site is not public domain. It's a campaign website that censors residents."

"They know that," my source answered, "they don't like him, but aren't going to get in a spitting match with a skunk."

Me: "LCOR is playing you all." 

Source: "No, I just got off the phone with them. They're not pleased with him and he's persona non-gratis, but they aren't going to punch down at him."

GA remains unconvinced.  Looks to me like like they've got their finger on the scale. Things that make you go hmmmm.....


  1. DeFusco has made a habit of claiming credit for other people's ideas and work.
    The wifi in the PATH stations and the dog park next to the garage is a recent examples.

    What you don't see in LOCOR's renderings or DeFusco's publicity puff piece is the skyscrapers that they are intent on building.

    1. What else is a guy to do who has accomplished nothing? It is either try to take credit for the work of others or admit he is a failure as a councilman.


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