Giattino supporter: "Vision Media is gonna have a field day with you!"

Threat for exposing Giattino's $1,250 in-kind donation from Sacco lawyer on

For the record, Vision Media is a  professional, award-winning New Jersey public relations firm, not a goon squad that has "field days" with critics of their clients. So can we agree the above comment was written by an idiot? Most likely one in a shit-filled barn?  

In fact, Vision Media is currently working for the re-election of Mike DeFusco and Ruben Ramos, with Caitlin Mota as the campaign(s) spokesperson. 

Two things got my attention about the comment: 
(1) The threat of retaliation. Retaliation for asking an incumbent candidate-- my ward representative- whether using a political contribution from a donor to support changes to Hoboken law was legal or ethical.  
(2) Why allege that Vision Media would retaliate on behalf of Jen Giattino?  

Well, big thanks to "tipster'" Misery (a.k.a. a miserable horse in a shit-filled barn.)  GA did some investigation and...

As Misery indicated,  Giattino appears to have the same campaign representation as do Mike DeFusco and Ruben Ramos (and GA hears Tiffanie Fisher as well).  So, for those folks who thought that the three ex-reformers were running an "independent" slate, think again.  Opponents don't work with the same PR firm.

But you know, a quality public relations outfit like Vision Media really knows how to pull off an event.



  1. We believe that someone ground up a bunch of weed cookies in our blog administrator's oats, resulting in:

    a) blabbing about Jen hiring Vision Media - like the rest of the New Team.
    b) haplessly lying about it when caught dead to rights.
    c) absolutely taking a dump all over Porcelain Jen's kickoff announcement with about fifty comments that sound like they came from an angry 10-year-old latch-key kid.

    Our plan, unless anyone has a better idea..., will be to attempt to throw the focus on the weed cookie provider instead of the resulting day-long bizarro behavior.

    Work with us on this one, ok? It feels like, "Attention, Shoppers! Clean-up in aisles 3 thru 27!" know what I'm saying. We'll owe you one.

  2. Frank Rosner for 6th Ward CouncilJuly 9, 2019 at 9:27 PM

    It appears I am the only Independent Democrat running for the 6th Ward Council seat. Passion and commitment to do what's right for the residents of the 6th Ward and by extension, for the entire city of Hoboken, will win this election. It is my desire to provide registered voters in the 6th Ward, a choice for unity and positive change. Let's do this!

    1. Are you friends with Carmelo Garcia?

    2. We deserve better than an enabler of Carmelo. Thanks but no thanks.

  3. What a waste of money...........

  4. So the inevitable has happened.

    Vision Media, the brains behind Beth, have transitioned into the brains behind Defusco, Fisher, Ramos and now Giattino.

    You can’t see it, but I’m doing my shocked and amazed face.

    Fans of VisionMedia’s, um, products... will recall this VM-orchestrated shit-show from the time when Zimmer recommended a modest reorg of HPD. It comes with free t-shirts, a lecture from Lane Bajardi and the linked article from his dead blog. We get a whole new dead blog this time!

    Now that's progress!

    1. The interesting question here is the same one as with the Ryglicki opinion - who is paying the bill.

      Vision Media - Paul and Phil Swibinski's firm, is extremely expensive. Giattino has thus far done zero fundraising and it is unlikely Giattino is willing to spend a penny of her own money on this campaign.

      Its pretty likely that someone other than Giattino is paying Vision's hefty bill. The public has a legal right to know who that is.

    2. smells like quid pro quo . free legal opinions and public relations from sacco. she owes him now.

    3. It could be "donated.'. It could also be paid by DeFusco or Fisher. In all of these instances it is a contribution in kind which is legally required to be included in her next ELEC filing.

      Since we know the work has commenced, a failure to disclose would be a violation of law.

    4. They, especially DeFuckup, don't care about ELEC law, as there is little or no enforcement. And the county bosses are most definitely expecting quid pro quo, so we can expect them to do their corrupt best to get their puppets elected.

    5. This is how former reformers fully embrace the dark side openly and without apology.


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