BREAKING: New candidate in the 6th Ward!

"Good morning Nancy. Happy 4th of July. Please, go ahead and break the news about my running for the 6th Ward Council seat. I will run as an Independent Democrat.  I'll knock on every door in the 6th and will run a grass roots campaign. I won't take money from PACs or City vendors. I don't recall Hoboken being this divided in quite some time and I've been around for 40 years! It's interesting to me that currently this town is kind of a microcosm of what's going on nationally at so many levels. Thank you Nancy, I know you are part of the fabric of Hoboken as well. There will be more in the next week or so. Enjoy the day!!"

Frank Rosner, candidate for 6th Ward City Council

Good luck, Frank! May the best man or woman win! Since I live in your ward, I want a person who will put Hoboken first, not their petty political grudges.  I want  a person who will not jump in the sack with the Dark Side for self-serving political expediency. I know that you are a good person, and look forward to more information about your race. 

Well, that makes two candidates in the 6th Ward race, so far. If a 3rd enters, the probability of a 6th Ward run-off election goes up. And if a 4th enters...

Happy Independence Day, everybody!


  1. On our corporate website we usually like to do one of our "Freedom Isn't Free" posts on the 4th.

    It makes the important point that only republicans are patriotic and so we are always welcome to be condescending to the rest of the country.

    But in light of our new political alignments, we're going with...

    Freedom Isn't Free - Just Like Votes!

  2. The times I've met Frank he seemed like a good guy but his long association with Carmelo Garcia gives me pause. Frank was Carmelo's campaign treasurer during Carmelo's Council race. If it could advantage Carmelo politically or financially I have little doubt he'd try to exert some influence in Hoboken.

    Hoboken and the 6th Ward deserve to turn the page and start fresh. I'm not sure someone with connections to Carmelo Garcia can deliver that.

    1. I never heard of the guy, but if he's a friend of Garcia's, that's all you need to know.


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