
  1. Our corporate website does not cover the Pride March (ever). Just like we didn’t cover Marriage Equality.

    We do, however, like to identify any/all criticism of Mike Defusco as “homophobic.” So we got that goin’ for us. Which is nice.

    Speaking of which - nice homophobic article about Mike donating Raia’s money to himself. Being all kindsa woke, we didn’t mention it.

    We’re always not mentioning stuff due to being highly woke. No anti-Hispanic articles about Ruben’s VBM operation - just another example.......

    1. What's funnier? DeFusco claims to be the first "openly gay" candidate to win election in Hudson County. Well.... I supported his 2015 campaign, and I didn't know he was gay BECAUSE he never discussed it publicly or on the campaign trail. I challenge you to find any 2015 media where he does. Such as:


      Of course, being a liar and a phony, now he LEADS a POLITICAL HCDO LGBTQ caucus, created to elevate his candidacy, when he didn't lift a finger to help Migdalia with Hoboken PRIDE week, or has never volunteered his time to Hudson Pride. He wears his sexuality like a shield to protect him from criticism, cause anyone who does gets called "homophobic" by his vicious minions.

    2. Before DeFuckup came out of the cabinet, no one knew he was gay and now that they do, no one cares. But it's interesting that he thinks he can parlay that into political clout, especially with the boys from North Bergen.


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