23 is a respectable number, because you know that most people will show up without RSVPing. Anticipating a large crowd, GA hears that Church Lady will be donating party favors for each guest:
13 + 8 = 21
GA's been writing about local politics for 9 years, now. So, you bet your sweet tuchas I am watching the first- ever election where alleged reform purists break bread with vbm-kings and pay-to-players and those with a long, long record of attacking. the Hoboken District.
As political stories go, fascinating. And amidst an ongoing investigation into vbm fraud in 2015 up to the present.
So stuff the Russo moral equivalency. It is detente at best. Russo is out for Russo. Probably playing both sides, who knows.
23 is a respectable number, because you know that most people will show up without RSVPing. Anticipating a large crowd, GA hears that Church Lady will be donating party favors for each guest:
Note: party favors are not for use. DO NOT HANDLE. |
13 + 8 = 21
GA's been writing about local politics for 9 years, now. So, you bet your sweet tuchas I am watching the first- ever election where alleged reform purists break bread with vbm-kings and pay-to-players and those with a long, long record of attacking. the Hoboken District.
As political stories go, fascinating. And amidst an ongoing investigation into vbm fraud in 2015 up to the present.
So stuff the Russo moral equivalency. It is detente at best. Russo is out for Russo. Probably playing both sides, who knows.
Overnight, ten more folks have RSVPed to Fisher's campaign Kick-Off-- including the Vision Media PR person who Hudson County View identified as Mike DeFusco's campaign spokeswoman.
Interestingly, GA did not find DeFusco nor his partner on Fisher's Guest List. And, Tiffanie's blogger threw DeFusco under the bus yesterday with this:
"From Dawn Zimmer in 2007 and 2009 to Tim Occhipinti in 2015 and Mike DeFusco in 2017, the Hoboken tradition using Vote by Mail in questionable voter tallies is seen over and over."
Ouch. Nothing gets written over there without his patroness' approval. Was DeFusco really excluded from Fisher's Kick-off? Or is his spokeswoman attending on his behalf? Even if the First Ward Councilman has vacation plans at the time, one would expect him to be invited.
Aside from politics, GA is generally fascinated by what makes people tick. And boy, the Ramos- Fisher coalition is ticking louder than a Swiss clock shop.
Some good folks from my past who've thoroughly invested themselves in raising the Hoboken Public School District from the degraded condition we inherited it in 2009 (from Ramos cronies), are in a political coalition with RAMOS and those very cronies- because Fisher is.
थे एनेम्य ओफ़् मय एनेम्य इस मय फ़्रिएन्द्
That's Sanskrit for "the enemy of my enemy is my friend."
So, these good folks are now in a political coalition with persons who attacked our School Board publicly for years, one of them a school board candidate twice backed by Ruben Ramos.... and having failed to get elected, he markets our district as shitty in order to churn real estate sales. Kaching.
How the hell did that happen?
In fairness to Fisher, the invitation was only a few hours old when GA took the screenshot. She might yet reach a dozen. |
GA expected 2nd Ward Councilwoman Tiffanie Fisher to throw in her hat. I am surprised at the timing; just days after Frank Raia's conviction for election rigging, a story which has dominated Hoboken's news cycle.
If I were supporting Fisher, I would have advised her to wait. But I'm not. So it is fortuitous that she stuck her toe in when a current of ominous signs are swirling about her council allies.
Low level staffers on the Ramos campaign are rumored to be speaking to federal law enforcement.
And after the Raia verdict, two of the trial's cooperating witnesses ran into [redacted] and [redacted] and told them this:
"based on the line of questioning from F.B.I. investigators [redacted] might be running unopposed."
But you know, all are presumed innocent until they have their day in court.
After all the damage she has done including making Ramos CC President, she needs to go. People need to vote support her replacement.
ReplyDeleteYou're all looking at Ruben's shocking VBM hauls the wrong way.
ReplyDeleteYou should be thinking of them as shockingly ... awesome!
He's making real investments in a community that has been neglected for too long. $50 at a time. Spending the potentially hard-earned money of his financial backers to make sure his fellow 4th ward residents have a few bucks in their pocket if they happen to get arrested by the feds for selling their votes.
Hey, they've got enough trouble already - they just got arrested, remember? You heartless bastards! I don't see you giving them any of your money. But Ruben (*sniffs* and stifles a tear) he's lookin' out for 'em. That's a leader. That's a real leader....
Together, Ruben and Tiffanie will restore the trust and shared enjoyment in vote buying and sellng that was so callously undermined by Frank Raia. It will no longer be thought of as some kind of dirty backroom deal between a heartless cynic and someone who could really use the money. Even now, Tiffanie is working hard every day to legitimize vote fraud - just by pretending her friends don't do it. That's another real leader for ya!
This is the ticket you want, folks. You deserve it, and we're gonna make sure you get it!
Look who Tiffanie's invited! Mama and her sack of vbms! Bring church lady too!
Councilman Ruben Ramos' mother loses her job
One of the employees who lost her job is Sandra Ramos, mother to 33rd District Assemblyman and Hoboken Councilman Ruben Ramos.
Ramos was a "confidential aid" to the mayor as well as the Director of Hispanic and Minority Affairs, in the city department of Constituent Services. One of Ramos' main jobs was to translate for Hoboken's Spanish-speaking residents, as well as serving that community. She has held both positions since 2001 and both were appointed by outgoing Mayor Dave Roberts. Ramos was not a civil service employee; she declined to say how much her salary was.
I agree.....good for you for being ahead of the BS politics already in place....don't care for G and her allies including TIFFANY....good job reporting and I will do the same. NIXLE, the HOBOKEN REPORTER, JERSEY JOURNAL, FACEBOOK, INSTAGRAM, THE HORSE, 411 and the addresses on line of the council people and their pandering which has already started...it seems the local media is already booting up the election choices....this should be interesting.