County cuts taxes for Hoboken-- a crumb

It seems to me that the County has quite a bit of latitude when it comes to taxing its 12 municipalities.  

In recent years, Hoboken has seen our County taxes blast off like a Roman candle with only an empty golf course to show for it.   In fact, Hoboken taxpayers are punch-drunk from getting slammed year after year,  while our Freeholder shrugs and says, "it's the FORMULA, Stupid." 

Sure.  The "formula" sure seems to bend and flex in the political winds.   Under Mayor Zimmer, the county formula took a detour to Mars. 


Just for tapping Hoboken taxpayers like a beer keg at a frat house, you'd think at least the County would build us a world class outdoor pool to say, "thank you"?

Well, believe it or not, Hoboken just got a teeny, tiny crumb from the County's banquet table.

Did the formula twist in our direction this year because residents are starting to notice how we're getting screwed, or because some members of Hoboken City Council supported Amy DeGise for HCDO Chair, instead of Brian Stack?   

Oh boy, that formula can twist and turn.  This year, in our favor. 100 bucks less per average household.  Better than nothing, better than another hike, far from enough.   

