Bhalla Team files ELECs, Ramos Team hiding their alliance...?


Left: Team Bhalla opens up campaign finance reports with the NJ Law Enforcement Commission, and Team Ramos...?

Mayor Bhalla's slate of 5 candidates has opened their campaign by filing with ELEC- both jointly and separately.  Not Team Ramos.  How come?

Most of you know what ELECs  are. For those who may not...

In New Jersey, political candidates are required to file campaign finance reports at regular intervals ("ELEC reports") with New Jersey's Election Law Enforcement Commission ("NJ-ELEC"). These accounts are opened for every election cycle.  Technically, a campaign cannot accept currency or in-kind contributions (and spend them) prior to filing with NJ-ELEC.  While Hoboken Pay-to-Play law and NJ state law limit the size of campaign contributions, a candidate can transfer a balance left over from a prior campaign cycle, without  limitation.  A candidate can also self-finance without limitation.

Only two members of the Ramos slate have opened 2019 campaigns with ELEC: Ruben Ramos and Mike DeFusco

Why haven't the other three coalition members: Giattino, Fisher and Cunningham opened 2019 campaigns with ELEC and filed jointly with their Dark Side allies?

Are they reluctant to announce a slate with the reigning VBM King Ramos and Pay-to-Play King DeFusco?  

I would be! Now that's a fall from Grace.  Perhaps these three plan to run "independently"  as a trio, while getting in-kind and other financial 'help' from the DeFusco-Ramos piggy bank?

If so, there are problems.  Let's say Mike DeFusco  and/or Ruben Ramos wanted to fund Giattino-Cunningham-Fisher with currency and/or in-kind contributions in excess of Pay-to-Play limits, they can't. Legally.  In order to evade local and state contribution limits, they'd have to file jointly.   Then a geyser of loot can flow to the whole team from DeFusco's developer-friends, PACs, and Unions.  

While the Bhalla slate is literally starting from zero dollars, Team Ramos has a big head start.  Each ward incumbent has either a balance in their prior campaign account, or has been fundraising for 2019 from their current account.

The information is noted below, and the cash balances total: $44.8K  

Giattino: $3,093.20
On March 3, 2018, Jen Giattino for Mayor  and Team Giattino were zeroed out, closing them. The balances left in those accounts: $1,860.29 and $194.00, respectively, were transferred to her 2015 Jen Giattino for Council account.  The balance on her 2015 account is $3,093.20

Cunningham: $955.17
Closing  balance on  2015's Peter Cunningham Quarterly April  2016 report. 

Fisher: $826.64
Closing balance on 2015's Tiffanie Fisher for Hoboken's 2nd Ward, 20-Day post election report. 

Ruben Ramos:  $4.092.37
Closing balance on 2019's Ramos for Council April Quarterly April 2019 report. Ramos opened his 2019 Council campaign in May 2016 and has spent  $36,406.62 (current to April 2019). (Note: Ramos closed his 2015 Ramos for Council  account by transferring the balance of $2550.99 to his 2019 account, but failed to report it.

Michael DeFusco: $35,831. 64
Defsuco opened up Michael Defusco for Hoboken City Council in January 2018 and has spent $20,014.67.  DeFusco zeroed out both 2017 mayoral accounts but has not reported any prior campaign cash transfers to his 2019 campaign account, so where did the money go?   

Laugh of the day: DeFusco calls himself the "grassroots candidate."

Folks, campaigns are very expensive. Who would like to help our friends and neighbors on the Bhalla slate level the playing field?  Then write a check!  Big, small or medium-sized!

Make it out to "Team Bhalla for Hoboken" or to any individual campaign (as noted on the Form D2 below)....   then kindly send your contribution to their Treasurer!  Her name and mailing address are below. Thank you!
