Earwitness News: VBM Trial Edition

Unless Defendant Frank Raia of United States of America vs. Francis Raia strikes a plea, his trial will commence on June 11, 2019.  June 11th is one week from next Tuesday.  Soon.  And yesterday,  co-Defendant Dio Braxton plead guilty, leaving Frank literally, the last man standing.

So, if Raia does not plea and his trial goes forward, what constellation of dark stars are aligned against him?

What timing! 

A Q-Tipster waxed on yesterday, and according to this Earwitness, a longtime, well-known Hoboken politico quietly struck a plea deal and is apparently talking... presumably for immunity or leniency. But, the mere mention that this politico was nabbed, and is working with the government should chill plenty of Hoboken spines.  P-L-E-N-TY.

One more thing: my Earwitness seemed convinced that the government was drilling down on "activities"  in one particular ward.   Which one?  We'll have to wait and see. 

For now, the question is whether or not Raia's trial goes forward.  If it is does, will we see a parade of familiar witnesses?  I'll ask my Magic 8 Ball. 
