Today's March to Save the Waterfront

Best sign ever. 

Thank you Facebook, for the reminder...

This morning at 10:AM folks gathered down at Pier A Park for the "Save our Waterfront" march. Organized to show NJ Governor Phil Murphy that a plurality of Hobokenites want to preserve the UDD site for open space, it drew a large turnout.

Folks assemble at Pier A

Pick a sign, any sign. 

Folks of all ages- and their dogs- walked up Sinatra Drive to the Hoboken Cove Boathouse.

Tots and pooches.

Do you think it's easy being 5'-4" in a crowd of giants?  This was my view of the podium where the dignitaries stood. What dignitaries?  I don't know, I couldn't see them. 

Surrounded by giants. 

There were speeches.  Mayor Bhalla spoke, so did Assemblywoman Annette Chaparro, and others (name! names! I need names!) Freeholder Anthony Romano was in attendance, as were Councilpersons Giattino, Fisher and Doyle. I'm sure I've left out a bunch of politicos, just tellin' you who I saw. 

Well, if  a robust turnout can possibly persuade Governor Murphy to spare the 50,000+ residents of this city from NY Waterways' Diesel Depot, then we're in luck. In the meantime, postcards addressed to the Governor were handed out to the crowd. The message was simple: "Governor Murphy Please Save Our Waterfront," and the flip side left blank for one's own two cents: "Dear Phil...

How about it-- would you like a postcard to send? Perhaps City Hall can figure out how to get them to more folks so we can jam up Murphy's mailbox.  

In the meantime, what a lovely morning to send a message to Trenton.   
