The Nixle Letters- Part 1

"Matter closed, carry on, they [Nixle] agree with our opinion."
-Brian Aloia, City of Hoboken Corporation Counsel

Hoboken City Council majority adrift on a Sea of Tears

You remember.  

In January, Hoboken Mayor Ravi Bhalla sent a Nixle or two that offended Council members who unrelentingly air petty grievances via whiny press release. Mike DeFusco has an actual PR firm on call; Tiffanie Fisher seems to write her own.   

Mayor not hanging toilet signage fast enough? ZAPP! 

The Council majority's got beef with Ann Holtzman.  They see a chance to dirty up her spouse.  

Let's muddy Gary in the press before we (in a cruel public spectacle) boot him off Hoboken's Planning Board- ZAPP!   

This Council works the press like a john works Air Force Amy at the Bunny Ranch.  

Fisher cries, DeFusco whines. Next thing you know: a tearful, whiny press release gets fired off to Hudson County View, the Jersey Journal, NJ Globe, Insider NJ,  the Star Ledger.   

Oh, no! Mike DeFusco was not invited to a meeting! Pizza was ordered!   

Its no wonder this council was outraged when the Mayor used a medium (Nixle) that they can't control for a message they can't control (the truth).   

This council...  that cries to the press more often than an infant spits up formula.  This council, livid because the mayor notified the public that his office staff could not be reduced in numbers, since their veto override failed. Whoop-di-doo.   Oh, trust me. If this council could legislate Nixle-authority away from the Mayor, they would-- causing your phone to combust from whiny-Nixle overload.  Or else Fisher's tearful Nixles would fry it. So do we agree this matter is stupid, and the complainers are hypocrites? 

Thought so.  I decided to lift the curtain on this stupid political theater and file an OPRA. 

On January 18, GA OPRAed all communications regarding Nixle, from all council members, the Mayor, his 3 aides, and the City of Hoboken's Legal Department.   

On February 6,  responsive documents were returned. I was away last week, and didn't open the email until today- 96 attachments! No, I haven't read them yet. And I want to fully understand what transpired before I write more. So, for now... posted below are:
  • a 29-page .pdf attachment which seems to contain the longest. email chain 
  • the City of Hoboken LEGAL OPINION, provided to the Hoboken City Council and to  David Gonzalez, Hoboken's Everbridge Account Manager (Everbridge owns Nicxle)



  1. :-) DeFusco's credibility is receding faster then his hair line.

  2. I thought that the old broken down gelding residing in that turd infested lean to that he calls a barn was the author of TF's press releases. Roman Bricejardi, paid political operative who does not appear on any ELEC.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Only Nancy Pincus is paid political operativeFebruary 13, 2019 at 12:49 PM

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    3. Oh Jeez, my stalker is back. I know, its lonely over in the ghost town. Actually, that comment was posted by a former friend of yours. Former, the operative word. Or should I say "political operative" word.

    4. Nancy Pincus the censoring Ravi paid political operativeFebruary 13, 2019 at 1:06 PM

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    5. Roman Brice, the cyber-stalking freakFebruary 13, 2019 at 1:17 PM

      Fascinating, since you can post here and you have blocked me from posting on your ghost-blog entirely.

      Q: Who's the King of Censorship?
      A: The Thin-Skinned Cyber-Stalking FREAK, Roman Brice. You are clogging up my SPAM folder... yes, I am saving your disconcertingly obsessive SPAM.

      Go away. Back to your cyber-ghost town where you write every comment yourself. This is a forum for intelligent conversation, not Alt-Right drool.

      Begone, Trump-humper!

      Sincerely not your friend,

  3. What's remarkable to me is that Fisher genuinely believes her own BS to the point of actually thinking Nixle would agree with her.

    1. I think she knows people don't agree with her which is why she bullies those who speak out against her games.

    2. I wouldn't necessarily give her that much credit for being self aware. Like Mason before her she has isolated herself in a very small bubble of sycophants and people using her to further their own political agendas.

    3. Having Fisher attack everything and Bhalla and his administration does or says helps reinforce the the constant attacks from DeFusco and makes him appear to be less extreme. Fisher unlike Mason can not self fund herself and is dependent upon the cash DeFusco has been able to raise from outside of Hoboken if she runs again in November.

    4. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    5. Cease and desist the cyber-stalking Roman Brice (Anon @ 1:36 PM).

  4. Bravo Tiffany you are 100% correct, NIXLE is meant to be a service to the community for information about public safety and non-political updates. It was clearly abused by Ravi's team and let's hope that the State of NJ and NIXLE will take the proper action to stop these type of violations in the future.

    1. Nixle disagrees, so does the City of Hoboken-- read the email, read the opinion, read the actual Nixles which are not "libelous" and other terms Fisher used.

      Scott, never heard a peep from you when Mayor Zimmer sent a Nixle with a link to the Russo F.B.I. transcript, which she put on the City website.

      You are wrong. Nixle's Legal Dept agrees with the City of Hoboken. Thanks for checking in.

    2. No violations, SS, so why are you lying? Oh, maybe it's because the council clowns you support do nothing but lie and obstruct. What they DON'T do is the jobs they were elected to do. That wouldn't trouble you because you don't live here. Go back down to your mom's basement.

    3. Ouch. In spite of Scott's stick-to-it-ed ness on this matter, he always defends what he believes in a respectful way.

  5. Always good to hear your perspective ss1959. Fisher posed this as a contract violation not a disagreement over whether Hoboken ought to use nixle in the way it has.

    Her lay interpretation of the contract is simply wrong - and, and at the end if the day it is Nixle's responsibility to interpret and enforce their policies not hers.

    It would have been fine for her to make the public policy case that nixle shouldn't be used that way, or in the alternative council members should be able to use it as well in the same way.

    But that's not what she did. What she did was to make a stupid and unsupportable legal claim and inappropriately bring a city vendor into her politicaly motivated dispute with the mayor.

    At a minimum, that reflects extremely bad judgment and she has damaged her own position by making the actual legitimate public policy discussion into another lunatic Fisher crusade.

    1. Ravi and co. caught again. That's what happened as Nixle made clear they received complaints from the PUBLIC. Many people complained and not all of them to Nixle. Some told local officials, others told friends and people didn't like the abuse (again) of taxpayer resources.

      Nixle closed by telling Hoboken to take "disciplinary action." They better.

    2. Funny you should mention that, Roman Brice. I plan to post the letters of complaint.

      Funny the cognitive dissonance in political ho's- read the letter again and again. Everbridge (owner of Nixle) concurred with Hoboken's legal opinion, that the TOS were not breached as your patroness vociferously argued.

    Nixle is the only ENS provider that focuses exclusively on public safety as used by more than 8,000 public safety organizations.
    Emergency alerts: Immediately notify residents during emergency incidents , including: Severe weather, natural disaster, active shooters, terrorist acts.
    Community engagement: Find missing persons, send severe traffic or road closures alerts, provide public safety information at events( ie fairs, parades, etc), sharing criminal activity.
    Can't find anything on their website that allows political comments. Show me where it is please?

    1. Scott, I hear the ghost town blog has posted the letter from Everbridge, the owner of Nixle-- their legal rep, to be exact. Please go there and read it. Contact them if you disagree with their enforcement of their own Terms of Service. You are arguing with them at this point.

      Have a great day!

  7. Funny how every time this comes up it is completely forgotten that nixle alerts can also be set for messages of public interest like public events. I call the city council vote on an attempt to gut the mayor's staff and potentially impair city hall's ability to be responsive of the needs of residents to be both a public event and an event of public interest. I don't see protecting the integrity of city hall and its ability to function as being political.

    Now what the CC was trying to do w/ that vote, I see that as being political. I also consider it vile and mean spirited and suspsect Tiff hates being seen in that light - hence why she is complaining about Nixle.

  8. Love, love, love your Air Force Amy reference!!!


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