Bullying survivor speaks out

"Anonymous" threat to Mike Donnelly, believed to have written by the proprietor of a ghost-blog. 

Is it acceptable for a Hoboken City Council member and her associates to bully, threaten and intimidate a member of the public for criticizing council members at a public meeting?

Hoboken resident Mike Donnelly continues to endure such treatment, but he is a survivor.  This is his story.

Bullying Survivor
The above "DonnellyDossier"  threat appeared on the horse manure blog shortly after Donnelly's first-ever appearance before Hoboken City Council on July 11, 2018.

At that mid-summer meeting, Donnelly handed three ethics complaints City Clerk Jimmy Farina: two of them alleged that Councilmen Mike DeFusco and Ruben Ramos had violated Hoboken's Pay-to-Play ordinance, the third alleged that Councilwoman Jen Giattino, a realtor, had a conflict of interest when she failed to recuse herself from votes on the rent control ordinance. 

The trickle of online hrassment against Mr. Donnelly escalated in August after  he filed a  4th  ethics complaint.  That one got press attention.  The allegations were that that Councilman DeFusco had proposed >  changes to the zoning ordinance  in order  to benefit a Planning Board Applicant/donor who had given the DeFusco campaign $1,200. Donnelly's exhibits, which supported his charges, were compelling.

What next?

Opposition research.  The council's blogger bragged about a "Donnelly dossier" in posts on Hudson County View :  "The file on him is thick " and would be used to publicly humiliate him. The bully wrote, "Donnelly has no idea how stupid he's about to look."


Mr. Donnelly's social media was trolled, going back years and his personal photos fished off.  

Fisher and her blogger's speculation about the meaning and significance of his photos were fodder for paranoid conspiracies alleging collusion with the mayor's office.

Once photo in particular, stolen from Donnelly's Twitter,  was taken in 2015 at Ribongi on Washington Street.  The pic showed a get-together of Donnelly's High School alumni - all Hoboken residents, including John Allen who had graduated from the same school a few years ahead of Donnelly.  Jason Pierre Paul of the NY Giants happened to be dining in Ribongi too, and they asked to take a photo with him.  That was it.  Today this personal momento from Donnelly's Twitter, is posted again for ridicule on the horse blog, portrayed as evidence of the alleged conspiracy.

It is so insane, it might be funny except it's not.

Because these are a Hoboken man's private photos, his memories, his life, being publicly mocked, branded as nefarious, all in punishment for exercising his rights as a citizen speaking truth to power at the Hoboken City Council.   Unbelievable. 

And it is Councilwoman Fisher's own words and actions which implicate her role in the opposition research to hurt Mr. Donnelly. 

On December 20, 2018 Councilwoman Fisher sent an email to her 2nd Ward constituents disseminating personal information she had gathered through opposition research (trolling his social media accounts) writing: "I have listed below what I have learned about each person."  

This is an excerpt of what she sent out, presumably to hundreds of Hoboken residents:


Astonishing.  Mike D. ate dinner in a restaurant with the Mayor and John Allen in a Mile Square City... and?  And?  Did they conspire to skip the salad and go for the steak? 

Does Fisher believe that every resident who dines with a Hoboken elected official, in City Hall or the BoE, is engaged in conspiracy?  Correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't Fisher and Giattino have regular lunches at Leo's Grandevous with constituents (who are friends, too)? Or should we call these friends "co-conspirators"?  Did Fisher conspire with these so-called "friends" to order lasagna instead of cannelloni?

What is wrong with having friends in local government?

If dining with an elected official makes one a co-conspirator, then I've had conspiracies uptown, downtown and midtown. In a small city where a limited number of people are interested and/or engage in local politics, we know each other and socialize. We have dinner sometimes. Fisher and her blogger are paranoid conspiracy nuts.  

Well, bullying survivor Mike Donnelly who continues to be harassed finally got fed up and wrote this Letter to the Editor:

 GA posted the link to Donnelly's letter on Reddit to see what folks thought about all this. Reddit commenters in the Hoboken group generally don't like political posts, which is why I rarely am there. But, since Reddit folks are not a political junkie crowd, I thought they'd be a good barometer of public opinion on this matter. 

The results were very revealing. Fisher's blogger (posting as "Shamrockfit") spammed the thread, repeatedly violating the moderator's request to stop posting links, and was rude and hostile to others who simply disagreed with him, or asked reasonable questions. The moderator eventually locked the thread.

Here are a few representative opinions on this topic, from the Reddit thread.

Is that what happens when you speak out at a council meeting? Hardly encouraging for the average citizen to participate. Very discouraging to see politics sink to such a low level here in Hoboken. Seems like the council majority regularly legislates venom, not solutions.

I have to say this is pretty shi**y on any council members part. Fisher should not be publishing information about or discussing a private citizen on an email to her constituents. She could have taken the high road and not used the persons name or other background details.It also sets a chilling precedent and will cause others to think about speaking up at a council meeting - it's intimidation. It makes me second guess about ever speaking up about something at a council meeting that may be controversial......

2nd Ward Councilwoman Tiffanie Fisher has fallen off the deep end. Ms Fisher no longer provides any meaningful contributions on the issues that impact this City, residents, businesses and visitors. Her constant ramblings have become more than a nuisance, they now pose a substantial risk to our community.  Please UPVOTE if you would like to see 2nd Ward Councilwoman Tiffanie Fisher not seek a second term on the City Council this November or be voted out.

Do we all agree? Hoboken elected officials should not bully, troll, and disseminate personal information about  members of the public who dare to exercise  their constitutional rights.

Dose that mean the rogue officials and their surrogates will stop bullying members of the public who do not send them valentines- like the familiar rotation of friendly council speakers whom they seat on municipal boards?  

Don't bet on it. 

GA Note: There is a second council bullying victim, Anthony DeLeonardo. I have not spoken with him, yet.


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. Councilwoman Fisher's over unseemly overeactionreaction to criticism and the deranged attacks of a blogger she has gone on record to endorse and solicited the public for funding has already severely tainted public's perception of her personally and if she runs again in November her ticket.

    1. Jeez, imagine being someone she asks to be on the ticket with her? Why would anyone in their right mind ever agree to such a thing and have to be associated with that wack job and big breasted Roman?

  3. Fisher criticizes Donnelley for not being a lawyer, as if his ethics complaints therefore hold no merit. Not being a lawyer hasn't stopped Fisher and friends from throwing together illegal ordinances twice a month. Not only is she not a lawyer, she's not employed or apparently employable, like another council clown. Can't wait till they turn on each other. And they will.

    1. I think someone got told to cut it out over at Reddit so they decided to post their stupidity over here instead.

    2. Didn’t spam the thread about generating his own fake news. When conspiracy theorists get caught fudging, they don’t take stock and consider their trajectory. They just get madder than they were.

    3. ShamrockShit / KeivDiarrhea needs something to do with his time. You know, let's call a spade a spade. He's playing to his strength: creating shit content and plugging his ears when people call him out on his monotonous mind-numbing drivel.

    4. What about MSV being a whiney man-baby? What about his being desperate for visitors on his horse-shit blog? What about not being able to come up with any real content and having to resort to sensationalist conspiracy theories and bordering on completely unhinging from reality?

      You're trying to drum up visitors to your site by being a bitch here, Reddit, HCV, JJ, basically anywhere that will allow someone to post up. It's plainly visibly to anyone with eyes. There's no secret. Since no one really wants head over to your horseshit site, you feel like you need to drum up **BREAKING NEWS** and work people into a froth just to head over to your site to either fight with you or learn that you're a shitty writer. Either way is a win for you because you'll increase your visitors and get some ad revenue you must be so deprived of. Deseperate and pathetic.

    5. How about talking in first person, Roman? Or is this actually some kind of personality disorder of yours to talk in the 3rd person? **BREAKING NEWS** Roman narrates his own life to others despite no one being interested.

      How about your spamming Reddit, GA, HCV, NJ, etc? **BREAKING NEWS** Roman's site at record low traffic. In desperate bid to remain relevant manufactures outlandish conspiracy theories. Idiocy at record high.

      **BREAKING NEWS** Roman, assuming identity of an Ass, displaces Hoboken's own Batman in desperate bid to become a super hero. Last seen walking aimlessly in Hoboken narrating to himself while looking for and saving invisible Councilpersons stuck in trees.

  4. I think the "Council Majority" should pass a resolution requiring public speakers to state their age, how long they have lived in hoboken, whether they are lawyers, how often they've spoken at council meetings and whether they have ever had a conversation, drink, meal or other interaction with any elected officials of city employees since the age if 18 and if so to describe them and to state whether any photographs exist memorializing the contact.

    That would almist certainly be illegal and it would upset the gadflies who speak at every meeting but it would save Councilwoman Fisher time and effort better spent on representing the people of the 2nd ward.

    1. If Hairy Mary and Ms. Fallacy had to establish their bona fides before council, state their ages, and how long they've lived in town, which is never long enough for the old guard, it would have a chilling effect on their mic addictions.

      Now there's a thought: anything that would stop them from appearing twice monthly to make our ears bleed would be a great boon for the citizenry of Hoboken.

    2. Does anyone think there is not orchestrated coordination between Jenn, Tiff and those City Council gadflies ? They have been rewarded for their support with appointments and accolades.

      Like broken clocks the are sometimes correct. The painful part is having to listen to everything in-between.

    3. One even followed Fisher's instructions and posts on that blogger site she raises fund to keep alive.

    4. Yeah, Anon @ 9:07, one received some sort of citizens award for who the hell knows what, and the other, a job in Jen's real estate office, which is ironic, since she's the unhinged harridan of the rent stabilization board, both handmaidens to Jen & Tif, so paid or unpaid, they've been rewarded.

    5. Id like an endurance award for years of listening to those shrews.

  5. "through social media, is was discovered and PUBLICIZED that Mr. Donnelly is a part time stand up comedian and is close to Mr Allen"

    seriously WTF? Who "publicized" it Ms. Fisher? you did. I know Mike and he is NOT a "part time stand up comedian." Did you even bother to ask him yourself? I know you didnt. Shoot first and ask questions later. cant wait to vote against you. ABT= anyone but Tiffanie.

  6. yes they are digging deep into the interwebs ("hey google fine me pictures of ....") as they try to find something like Mr. Donnelly in a dress or Mr. Allen singing a Smash Mouth song on a roof top when he went to college. I'm saying Smash Mouth which would then be playing into (GOTCHA!) the "face punching" that is mentioned too often which is a term has to stop ASAP. Whatever HILARIOUS in-joke they have is still a term of violence that needs to be removed from the conversation.

  7. What the hell is with all their wacky conspiracy theories? Seriously, these people need to grow up and learn to accept that not everyone agrees with them (heck, nobody agrees with them it seems).

  8. I wonder how CouncilBully Fisher would feel if someone went around calling her a part time Rodeo Clown... or full-time Sugar Momma for a disgusting alt-right blog in town--oh wait, that one is actually true.

  9. What's funny is these jokers will accuse all the commenters on Reddit and on this blog, and on facebook, and on all blogs of being fake or whatever because they don't agree with them. They truly live in such a bizarre bubble and think they couldn't possible be wrong or that people wouldn't like them.... when in fact, it's VERY VERY easy for someone to dislike Tiffanie. This despicable display by her with a public citizen is just the latest example.

  10. Never thought I would wish for Peter B to run again for anything, but he sounds way better than Tiff nowadays!

    1. A turd sandwich beats Tiff. That is such a low bar we shouldn't measure any candidate against it. Heck, that is how we ended up w/ DeFusco.

  11. Folks, thank you for the heads up that an unhinged, cyber-stalking operative spammed again. Please notify me when the infection reappears, as I am visiting my mom out of state today, not babysitting this board for VD outbreaks. (VD as in Very Dysfunctional).

    I am deleting them directly from Blogger's comments widget without reading them. Best not to "Reply" to the Spam or your comments will get zapped, too. Thank you, good people!

  12. Roman Bricejardi, paid political operative, is certainly earning his keep, if his contract with his mistress requires him to make voluminous vapid, delusional and incoherent posts.


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