Earwitness News: "He wants to know us NOW?"

Hot off a Q-Tipster, who forwarded this invitation:

Addressing residents' safety concerns ONE MONTH AFTER the two fires? 

In case you can't read it, First Ward Councilman Mike DeFusco woke up on January 11, 2019 and remembered he has an election soon... and only 10 1/2 months left to remind Marine View Plaza residents that he exists.  So, he's holding a "Marineview exclusive community meeting on Monday, February 11 from 7 to 9 pm at Union Hall (306 Sinatra Drive)." DeFusco claims he has "tried for months" to hold "regular meetings" with constituents through building management but has been "unable to gain access."

Is it possible they never heard of him?

Because the First Ward Councilman hasn't held one Marine View residents meeting since he promised in 2015 to hold "monthly meetings" if he were elected.  Well, he was (elected) and he didn't (hold monthly meetings).  DeFusco did  try to glom onto the Mayor's meeting, but when he wasn't allowed inside, he howled like he got his d*ck caught in a bear trap.  Later, he argued vehemently against the City paying for his Marine View constituents' pizza and soda because he wasn't invited. (Maybe he would have been if anyone knew who he was...)

Well, better later than never. Or never...?

GA's Q-Tipster sent me the invitation with this not-waxy Marine View Plaza insider-tip: 

he got nerve. nobody seen his face around here since 2015 or was it 2016. we had two fires  the mayor came. where was he? we email him and he dont answer. he wants to know us now? no thank you. we dont know him.  nobody wants his beer or snacks. me and others are calling a boycott.  

A boycott!  Cool.  GA is proud of you Marine View Plaza people... your votes can't be bought with beer and chicken fingers. 

I am sure your next Councilman/woman will be attentive to you, answer your emails, and be there in times of emergency to assure your safety and well-being... and not go AWOL until election time, then show up with lame excuses about trying to hold "regular" meetings. Your next Councilperson will not try to buy you off with free snacks. He or she will actually care about you. Nice change! 


  1. How is he using taxpayer money for a campaign rally: stationary/beer/wine/food? Nope...

  2. The real Mayor BhallaJanuary 18, 2019 at 2:34 PM

    Dear Councilman Defusco,

    Am I invited to your exclusive meeting?

    The real Mayor Bhalla

  3. We now have SCIENTIFIC DOCUMENTATION to prove that holding a town hall completely eliminates pay-to-play violations!

    That means Tiffy-Tiffy Bang-Bang is no longer a flaming hypocrite for ignoring her bestie’s hiding-in-plain-sight corruption while treating the future ex-mayor like Marion Barry.

    It’s been cleared up!

  4. Letter is dated 11-Jan-2018. Proofread much?

    1. They probably fired the proof reader after the screw up with that windshield flyer.

  5. Mayor Bhalla should attend.


  6. He blames building management. Acting like he made numerous attempts to get the community room to meet with residents. 
    He just doesn't want to go where he's not welcome.

  7. If few residents show up from the building he will bring his usual handful of camp followers with him and Michael will publish a closely cropped picture of himself and thank everyone who attended. He is after all he is the same narcissistic, marketing jerk he has always been.

    1. The people who show up will only do so for the free booze. heck, even I took free drinks from Mason when she would show up at bars uptown in a Giants jersey and buy drinks around election time.

  8. The residents of MarineView have long suffered the effects of bad bars in the 1st Ward and will not be pleased to add to that suffering by opening recreational pot shops to their neighborhood. The 1st Ward Councilperson who has often been viewed as representing the bad bar owners interest over those of the residents may now also be view as doing the same for those looking to cash in on the change in the marijuana laws.

  9. Instead of using the tragedy for a campaign event to promote himself, I wish he would have asked the HFD and other professionals to come in and evaluate the problem and find solutions for the residents of Marine View.


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