Council's FAKE 'SCANDAL' implodes: Tiff, Jen sat on proof "payroll gate" is a hoax

GA will not name the Council's casualty in their war on the Mayor's Office; he is the real victim of this tawdry political operation. This man's last day of paid work  for Hoboken was December 12. He started a new job on December 13 in Trenton.  An administrative error (late communication between the municipalities) resulted in a payroll mistake; an excess payment which was promptly returned to Hoboken.  

A nothing-burger. But not good enough for Council members out for blood after failing to override the mayor's veto of their ordinance to reduce his staff.  On January 2, they moved seamlessly onto a new scheme: accusations that the above-mentioned City Hall employee had a "no show job" in the Mayor's office.

Starting January 2, Hoboken City Council members have worked in tandem with a smear-horse, in the manner that Fisher's predecessor, Beth Mason, worked with Hoboken411. Pitchers and catcher. Now it is City's hiring of an attorney who specializes in criminal defense, that they/their smear blogger are falsely claiming arises from "Giattino's query about payroll."  

Persons with knowledge report that the COUNCIL (and their associate's) allegations of "theft of services" automatically triggered the JIF (City's insurance provider) to hire the attorney John Lynch.   

Let me say it again: the JIF's hiring of Lynch has nothing to do with the actions of this City Hall employee. Nothing. The JIF attorney was hired "on January 8" after the January 2 Council meeting; council and their operative's allegations that have triggered the JIF (City's insurance) with a false claim of "theft of services."    

Safely assume council members knew the consequence of making criminal allegations which put the city at risk, which triggered the hiring of Lynch. 

You follow? Everything that took place in the first minutes of Wednesday meeting-- peppering Lynch with questions in public that Giattino and Fisher knew he couldn't answer- was Kabuki theater. 

This conduct, using a man's livelihood and reputation as collateral damage on ginned up false charges is the definition of a political conspiracy. The facts will cast the 'players' in a harsh light.  Persons with knowledge report: 

"Prior to Wednesday's meeting, Jen Giattino and Tiffanie Fisher had in their possession information that showed that there were no facts to support their conspiracy theory of double payment or theft of services by [former City Hall employee] in Hoboken or Trenton. However the information they had possession of was inconvenient to the conspiracy theories they want to sell without any regard to what harm or damage the conspiracy theories would cause [former City Hall employee] all because they hate the mayor. Their actions are the cause of the city incurring any legal expense regarding this matter. Perhaps they should have to pay this expense which arose solely because of their political shenanigans."

Now that you know that the council members knew why Lynch was hired- because of their criminal allegations, knew that the City's attorney Lynch could not speak publicly please watch this COUNCIL KABUKI.

At least Beth Mason stuck to civil complaints. This crew is out of control and EVIL.


  1. that may explain why lynch seemed to be aggravated by jen and tiffanie

    1. Having watched that video and the desperation they are showing in trying to find anything they can use to promote their failed smear, I really have to say I am aggravated by them as well.

  2. They're all pizzagate style conspiracy theorist when it comes to Mayor Bhalla. They so desperately want the nonsense they spew (both themselves and thru their doofus mouthpieces) to be true.

    If they didn't have the ability to actually hurt both real people and the town they're supposed to serve it would just be sad.

    1. Exactly. I dont recognize this bunch of evil toads; they're the Mason cabal on steroids. Oh, yeah. I can't recall any of Mason's schemes forcing the JIF to retain a criminal defense attorney. Can you? This is a first.

      Mason thought her conspiracy theories would be proven by obtaining emails and depositions through civil litigation's discovery process. This depraved gang makes erroneous criminal claims then tries to pimp bits and pieces into the public domain under the 100%-disingenuous guise of "transparency." There is nothing transparent about their behavior, and IMO, it's legally perilous.

  3. Councilwoman Fisher has had a fund raising post for Brice's blog on her Facebook page which makes her accountable for what is disseminated on it. The open hostility, hatred and blatant disregard of facts espoused by the comments on that site borders on insanity.

    1. then doesnt that make Roman a paid political operative?

    2. then why doesn't he appear on any ELEC reports? is that an ELEC violation that someone should report?

  4. Someone needs to get a job instead of spending all day conjuring up conspiracy theories out of thin air.

  5. SCENE I. Hoboken. A feces-filled barn. In the middle, a boiling cauldron.
    Thunder. Enter the three bitches.

    2nd Ward Councilwoman:
    Thrice the brinded cat hath mew'd.

    6th Ward Councilwoman:
    Thrice and once the hedge-pig whined.

    Broken-down Gelding:
    Harpier cries 'Tis time, 'tis time.

    2nd Ward Councilwoman:
    Round about the cauldron go;
    In the poison'd entrails throw.
    Toad, that under cold stone
    Days and nights has thirty-one
    Swelter'd venom sleeping got,
    Boil thou first i' the charmed pot.

    Double, double toil and trouble;
    Bhalla burn, and cauldron bubble.

    6th ward Councilwoman:
    Fillet of a fenny snake,
    In the cauldron boil and bake;
    Eye of newt and toe of frog,
    Wool of bat and tongue of dog,
    Adder's fork and blind-worm's sting,
    Lizard's leg and owlet's wing,
    For a charm of powerful trouble,
    Like a hell-broth boil and bubble.

    Double, double toil and trouble;
    Bhalla burn and cauldron bubble.

  6. Shortly after Trump was elected I read "Hillbilly Elegy." That's what everyone was doing at the time - trying to understand what we missed, what we weren't seeing.

    By Charlottesville, I didn't give a damn. I didn't care what the frame of reference was, generational decline, lost prospects, opioid epidemic. Too fucking bad. A neo-nazi rally does not morally equate to anything we can ever endorse in this country.

    At this point, however you came by your support for Individual-1, I really, really don't care. If you still support him, simply stated, there is something very wrong with you as an American.

    With this disgusting, craven, publicly staged hit job, I've come around to the same position on Fisher and Giattino. If you still respect them, I have no respect for you.

    Not that anyone should worry about that. But I had friends in reform, who saw 2017 very differently. So be it. We all needed to take a look at the local edition of "Hillbilly Elegy." Hoboken Elegy, for argument's sake.

    But enough already. This is nothing but the politics of personal destruction and you all know it.

  7. it would appear that the allegation that the mayor is running a "political operation" from city hall is mere projection by tiffanie and jen as it would appear that they spend the vast majority of their time as council members engaging in political stunts to avenge jen's 4th place finish.

  8. What was really odd to me about the discussion at the meeting was that Guattino and Fisher's questions were all about how and why the City's lawyer got hired.

    The payroll kerflufle itself was barely mentioned because Giattino had received documentary proof that the wild accusations she and the others had made were flat out wrong.

    Why would anyone think the city hiring a lawyer through it's JIF to protect the City's interests to be a scandal?

    Obviously protecting the City's interests is, to them, somehow inconsistent with there own interests. Which in a way says it all about their unfitness for office.

    1. They are desperate for anything at this point. Every scandal they have conjured has evaporated b/c they were based on misinformation, misinterpretations or just flat out wrong. They keep looking for anything to tarnish the mayor w/ and hope if they keep it up, folks will just assume they are right and he is up to no good. But instead all they do is tarnish themselves. They look horrible, desperate, deranged and unfit for office.

    2. Exactly, numbers. Wrap your head around that.

      Their own false allegations of criminal "theft of services" from the City is the reason why the City's JIF hired a criminal defense attorney. Giattino, Fisher KNEW it, but feigned ignorance so they could pepper the attorney with questions in PUBLIC (which they knew the answers to) that breached Lynch's attorney-client privilege WITH THE CITY. And take it to the bank that the horseshit purveyor is a party to this scheme, coincidently a beneficiary of Fisher's fundraising efforts. She claimed to have raised "$600 overnight"-- how much more $ has flowed in via "fundraising" since? IMO proving malice in this case is a low bar.

  9. Roman Brice's "no show job" and "4 employees on the payroll" claims are allegations of criminal conduct against the City and worse, against a private citizen- actionable defamation, so where is the retraction? Where is the apology? Where is the correction? It's all on his website still, oops I mean Tiffanie Fisher's website. He ignores exculpatory facts in the public domain. Evidence of malice. Brice is worse than Klaussen ever was, and like Klaussen is openly supported by a Councilwoman who fundraises for him, but doesn't declare his in-kind services on her ELEC.

    1. Am I correct that the Bajardis complained that Roman called them paid political operatives which damaged their careers as they were journalists" and that further to their complaint was that Roman claimed that the Bajardis were not reflected on Beth Mason's ELEC reports for in kind services? And somehow those two allegations were defamatory? Roman complained that the Bajardis and Mason were engaged in an unethical possibly criminal subterfuge to hide the paid efforts of the Bajardis in support of Mason. Am I missing something? Isn't Roman engaged in the same conduct that he accused the Barjardis and Mason of doing? If it was unethical and possible illegal then, why is it not unethical and possibly illegal now, when it is Roman, Jen and Tiffanie involved? Were his services reflected in any ELEC that Jen filed in the mayoral race? Did he ever advise his readership that he was the paid political operative for the Jen campaign? This whole mess about Payroll Gate seems to be a colossal waste of time and energy. It makes this whole crew out to be vicious, petty and vindictive.

    2. Do you mean Roman Bricejardi?

    3. Why is that other site so angry and vicious?

    4. Because we’re fighting a war on 2 fronts. 1) you idiots 2) the greatest president since Jesus is facing impeachment at any time.

  10. Another misfire, aimed to take down the mayor. Instead, it winds up costing the Hoboken taxpayers for legal fees. And every time they hatch another hair-brained scheme from their hysterical heads, they're not governing.

    We know how they feel about Latinos, we know what they've said about Sikhs, and we've seen how they've behaved toward a qualified African-American in the City's employ.

  11. I know of a band that put that MacBeth scene to music, but as the witches were just the soothsayers of what would come, they were not the villains. The band likes to do a intro when they do that song, about a curse on corrupt governments.

  12. Roman Bricejardi has lost his mind. Finally, someone has called him out for being a paid political operative for Tiffanie and Jen. I tried to read his site today and it is chock full of distortion, conjecture, venom and bile. His writing style is utter jibberish. He seems to be projecting his paid political operative status onto you every chance he gets. It seems that anyone who dares to disagree with his anointed sainthood of Tiffanie and Jen is relegated to the trash heap. I am not sure where along the line he lost his sense of perspective, but then again, maybe he never had one and we are seeing the true Bricejardi in action. I can't wait to see him with an easel.

    1. I'm afraid you're late to the party, but welcome!

    2. I think applying the"paid political operative" label is unfair to actual paid political operatives who are generally sane people in the business of providing a legitimate (if sometimes distasteful) service to paying clients.

      Much of Hoboken's political discourse (and seemingly the minds of some elected officials) have unfortunately been hijacked by certifiable kooks, not operatives.
      That is why the "work product" is incoherent, malevalent and nutty rather than thoughtful, coherent and strategic.

      Does anybody really think the kooks need to be paid to be kooks?

      Lucky for Ravi actually. An opposition strategy guided by kooks is far less politically dangerous than a strategy devised by actual paid political operatives who might actually have a clue.

    3. I have no idea if this nonsense comes from kooks or from paid political operatives. Either way, it has devolved into useless horse manure for going on 2 years. I personally wouldn't pay for it and I would ignore any advice or guidance coming from this source. I personally stopped paying attention after that Suez contract nonsense they were peddling came out - I swear, the level of willful and politically motivated ignorance on that issue cost the lot of them every ounce of respect I ever had for any of them. It was obvious they were deliberately mischaracterizing basic facts to fit a political narrative not grounded in reality. What they were trying to do was also financially very irresponsible and designed to create a manufactured crisis of their own making. What is shocking is after 2 years of horse crap, the faux reformers still keep swallowing this horse crap over and over again which makes them complete morons.

  13. There must be a very wealthy couple on Hudson Street who have a good laugh every time his name or site is mentioned.

    1. Laugh? They are rolling on the floor at Roman Bricejardi, paid political operative.


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