Mayor Bhalla appoints Councilman Jim Doyle to the Planning Board!

Mayoral Designee to the Hoboken Planning Board

Great news, Hoboken!

Mayor Bhalla has appointed Jim Doyle to the Mayoral Designee (Class I) seat on the Hoboken Planning Board!  Jim is no newbie; he had served with honor as a Planning Commissioner for 3 years-- never missing a single meeting-- until 2018 when the bitter council majority booted him off for an empty suit. The empty suit was usually AWOL from meetings, and when he accidently attended one, was thoroughly obnoxious to his board colleagues. Jim's presence was sorely missed.

Thanks to the mayor, he's back!  Doyle's term coincides with the Mayor's, therefore will expire in 2021. 

The mayor's other Planning Board appointments are: Caleb Stratton (Class II), Kelly O'Connor (Class IV), Lea Cloud (Class IV), Tom Jacobson (1st Alternate) and Jonathan Otto (2nd Alternate). 

Congratulations, everybody plus Jim Doyle!


  1. Looks Irish. They haven't been sending us their best.


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