INTERVIEW with JOHN ALLEN on council conspiracy theories

John Allen CONSPIRACY: seen with arm around DeFusco in SECRET PLOT to FIRE JASON FREEMAN

Within the past week, conspiracy theories about "a political operation run out of City Hall" have been disseminated by Councilwomen Jen Giattino and Tiffanie Fisher via press releases and in remarks at the City Council.  The releases were sent to a hyper-partisan anti-Administration website and published; the articles to follow placed the mayor's Chief of Staff, John Allen, in the cross-hairs of this alleged "political operation."  

The councilwomen were also likely contributors to the blog's breathless narratives accusing John Allen of "friendship" with Anthony, a Council speaker who criticized Fisher and Mike DeFusco on matters of public interest and public concern to Hoboken residents. 

BANG! BOOM! POW!   Since speaking truth to power, Anthony has since been savaged online, been called "Deeretardo" had his personal information posted: his hometown, job history,  address, and has been body-shamed.  This kind of opposition research by council partisans is creepily reminiscent of the Bajardi-Klaussen era.  

And today? Anthony is the "attack dog" in a screaming tabloid-headline: "EYEWITNESS: Attack dog seen arriving at home of John Allen minutes after departing council meeting."  Unbelievably, the author claims: "repeated invitations to John Allen for this story have seen no response."

Not even possible. Allen is accessible to everyone.   

I called him this morning.
GA: Hi, John. I was wondering if you had read what Roman Brice wrote about you today? 

JOHN: Who's Roman Brice? 

Allen told me that he was on his way back from a water main break in Weehawken. 

JOHN: At about 5 am we got called to a water main brain break in Weehawken. Me, Jason (Freeman) and OEM were on the scene. With the Park Avenue bridge out we coordinated with New Jersey Transit to cross-honor tickets  at Hoboken's South Ferry Terminal for commuters to get to work.  Its fair to say they were able to quickly for us because the administration has a good relationship with NJ Transit.  

GA explained that Roman Brice was the author of Tiffanie's blog.

JOHN: Oh, I don't know who he really is.  

GA: Brice claims he contacted you repeatedly for his story. Wrote that you haven't accepted his invitation to respond. 

JOHN: Roman Brice has never contacted me.    

GA: How do you respond to being attacked because you know and you like Anthony? 

JOHN:  People who are interested in politics gravitate toward one another. I met him here. [Hoboken] I don't agree with him on national  politics-- I'm a progressive Democrat-- but I support his right to speak at the City Council. No one's right to speak should be diminished by their relationships with other people. Cheryl Fallick is free to speak her mind even though she is friends with Jen Giattino. So is Mary Andrejka. Patricia Waiters is similarly free to speak her mind despite her relationship with Ruben and Mike. I don't attribute the opinions of Cheryl or Mary or Patty to Jen, Mike or Ruben. These relationships shouldn't prevent these people from speaking their mind. Calling Anthony "Deeretardo" and body-shaming him is simply wrong.  

GA: Is it true that Jason Ellis let Anthony into your building the other night?

JOHN: Yes. It was Jason Ellis.

GA: What do you think about the online attacks on Anthony  since he spoke at the Council? 

JOHN:  You can disagree with someone’s style, but we should all defend their right to free speech.  I think all would agree a member of the public should not have to fear having their personal details released, challenged to a street fight, and publicly shamed in retaliation for speaking their mind.  Most shocking of all, perhaps, is using the word “retard” to insult a resident.  I unequivocally condemn such actions, and I would hope those who may have previously provided support, financial or otherwise, to a blog that incites violence and demeans individuals with disabilities would share my outrage.

I totally agree.  

Okay folks, there  you have it:  Jen Giattino, Tiffanie Fisher attacking the First Amendment rights of residents who  (1) have friends at City Hall, and (2) criticize them on matters of public concern.  
Are Fisher and Giattino "running a political operation out of the Council"?  

What about fundraising for blogs who publish partisan political attacks on your critics? 

2019, people. 2019. 


  1. I was shocked and appalled the second I read Roman Fisher-Brice's blog that Tiffanie paid him to post, in which he called that speaker "DeRETARDo". I've never been so taken aback at a comment, and can't believe Tiffanie would sign off on such a thing. Especially in this day and age. Especially while allegations of racism have come to light against her.

    I didn't think she'd stoop so low to also mock the handicapped in that fashion. Perhaps it was another direct shot at John Allen because he volunteers for Easter Seals, a well-known charity for individuals with disabilities. I can't think of any other reason that they'd stoop so low...

    1. My brother has Downs syndrome. He is the kindest, sweetest, most loving person you'd ever want to meet. I am so disgusted by Roman Brice, what a gross pig. How dare he make fun of those who can't help how they were born. I am appalled at Ms. Fischer for supporting a blog that mocks the mentally handicapped. She is a disgrace. No Ms. Fischer, Roman Brice does not make Hoboken less harsh.

    2. This truly was a new low for the Fisher/Giattino/Brice trifecta. I wonder if Tiffanie will publicly call out Roman Brice and disavow him, or if she'll just sidestep the questions and continue to pay him to carry her water and post whatever she tells him to?

      I think we all know what she'll do.....

    3. Anonymous - that breaks my heart that you have someone close to you who suffers from a handicap, and then you have a despicable man like Roman Brice post comments like that mockingly. This is a man who is disgusting, both inside and out. This is a man who only someone like Tiffanie Fisher could like.

  2. Can we just get rid of any pretense that the Council Gang has interest in anything other than trying to sabotage the Mayor? If the Mayor says white, the Council Gang says black. Nothing much of intellectual and policy honesty is being displayed by the Council Gang. One of the underlying tenets of Hoboken Reform was the belief that people who associated with Reform generally were willing to put their own interests aside in an effort to bring open and honest government to Hoboken and would work for what is best for Hoboken. I am not sure that the Council Gang can be considered part of Hoboken Reform anymore.

    1. Well to be fair, if the Mayor said white, I doubt Tiffanie would say black. White may be the only thing she'd agree with him on if all the recent allegations against her are true.

      But your point is spot on. All they care about is bashing the Mayor and making him look bad. What's going to be funny is during the next election, when this "bond" they've all formed goes to crap and they go right back into a free-for-all.

    2. i use to think it was like FOX NEWS over there by now it is pure INFOWARS......

    3. Lifer - I agree that the apparent close bond between Fisher and Ramos on display at the council meetings (which is kind of creepy) will smash into a thousand pieces in the next mayoral election. Ramos is playing her big time, and she does not appear to have anywhere near the political skills or instincts that Russo and Ramos have.

    4. Ohhhh yeah, Ramos is playing her and 4th place Ballerina Jenn big time. And they're both too stupid to see what's right in front of their faces.

  3. I love how John Allen pointed out that Tiffanie and 4th Place Jenn send their cronies like Cheryl Fallick (aka the Hamburglar) to meetings to push their nonsense. Should we hold everything those people say against Tiffanie and FPJ (Fourth Place Jenn) going forward? They go up to the microphone every week to the dismay of every single person there, to speak on topics like rent control. Meanwhile, Jenn got the Hamburglar a job as a luxury real estate agent, so if those aren't colliding interests then I don't know what is. The hypocrisy and bullcrap never ends with these people.

    1. Cheryl Fallick is a real estate agent for luxury real estate rentals or condos? Is this true or just sarcasm?

    2. Apparently so, snoopy.

      A couple of weeks back someone sent me a Prime Real Estate ad for an Open House for a 1BR/1BA luxury condo for $534,995-- Cheryl was the contact person @ Now, I don't know anything more than that.

    3. In fairness - I don't think anyone has to "send" Cheryl or her cohorts to Council meetings or write her or their stuff. The Cheryl and Company show has been going on for many years, and there was a time when "reformers" universally applauded her and saw her nuttiness as "telling truth to power" because folks didn't like the people in power.

      Empowering crazy or nasty people because they are useful at the moment (and all political factions fall into the trap)will eventually bite you in the butt. Something it would be wise to remember going forward, especially when making common cause with people like Patty Waiters.

    4. Isn't that shocking, Snoopy? Especially considering basically every time she's ever spoken at a council meeting, carrying all of her possessions and orange juice bottles up to the microphone, it was in some kind of effort to make the city less nice or keep them from building new things... presumably in an effort to keep rent prices down so she could continue to afford to live here. Pathetic.

    5. Real estate does seem to attract more than its fair share of scumbags. Can't wait to see if a couple of unemployable windbags decide they want to join in on the action in order to put some food on the table. Being a windbag doesn't pay much.

  4. Why wouldn't secret agent Jason Ellis want to be named in the liar's story?

    1. Because he's a loser and a coward, I assume? Not to mention the fact that he was probably lying about the entire ordeal and what was said between the two of them, so he didn't want his name attached.

  5. The bottom line here is that it doesn't matter if John knows people who speak at council meetings, or even if he encourages them to speak. That is both his 1st amendment right and theirs.

    The "someone sent them to say that" narrative is an old political ploy intended to shift the conversation away from the content of the speech.

    1. If knowing someone who speaks at a council meeting is a crime, then they should lock up every member of the council. They all have their friends and business associates come. Look what Delfusco does with his developer friends all the time. Puhhhleeezzeee..

  6. LOL.... Roman Fisher-Brice over on his little cowardly blog posted a bunch of lies about how he tried to contact John Allen ahead of his hit piece blog (paid for by Tiffanie Fisher of course). Isn't it funny that a loser like Roman would ALLEGEDLY contact a man with a real job like John Allen at 8:10am on a work day and give him one hour to respond to him "or else"? Especially when that man with a real job is out working on a flood scene in a neighboring city?

    I guess Roman has been collecting checks from Tiffanie for so long he forgets what it's like for real people with real jobs, and they can't just do whatever he wants them to do whenever he wants them to do it.

    1. You are arguing with 2 people who are much too insecure to give honest answers.

      Roman denies using the term "retard" when his attempted humor "Anthony Deretardo (sp?)" is still sitting there plain as day. Kurt, who thinks "more leaks than a 85 year old guy with a prostate problem" is a fun, folksy trope, is certainly not going to challenge him on it. They're adult children whose insensitivity rises more from immaturity than anything else. That and general lassitude.

      For instance, they have both pretended every word ever written here amounts to a paid service to city hall because the proprietor once produced a palm card for Bhalla's campaign. Hopelessly dishonest and mean-spirited, yes. But that's about all they've got left in the tank. Saying junk and hoping no one bothers to check whether it's true. Which is pretty much how Individual-1 operates.

      The whole thrust of their latest tantrum is that Mr DeLeonardo was dispatched by city hall on an errand for city all with words written for him by city hall while city hall was on the clock. From which they extrapolate that tax payers funded DeLeonardo's appearance at city hall. Is there any evidence for this? No. But they aren't interested. Again, hopelessly dishonest. The game is to make a wild accusation and to attack when you don't bother to deny it. "When did you stop beating your wife?" posing as "journalism."

      There is likewise no evidence to support the daily innuendo that Bhalla created or commissioned the terror flyer. Are they interested? Again, no. It's more fun to keep repeating it. Again and again, hopelessly dishonest.

      Likewise the necessary criticism of Mike Defusco's conduct as a public servant is continuously labeled "homophobia" by people who claim to be above Al Sharpton's tactics - while using them. And when all else fails, expect them to drag Bhalla's ethnicity and religion into it.

      Do those comments serve to fan the same flames as the terror flyer that they continually blame on Bhalla himself? Yes. Do they care? No.

      You are seeking adult replies from people who simply don't have them to offer. I applaud you for trying but hope you have no illusions.

    2. MSV is what happens when Breitbart and Infowars shack up and have a baby who writes, to paraphrase tiff, "poorly, I might add".


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