Holtzman hanging party on Weds - "Fisher leading prosecution"

There are different kinds of political corruption.  

There's the kind that gets prosecuted in criminal court.  The other kind is technically not a crime.  It's moral corruption; the bad faith use of political power for nefarious purposes-- such as clearing vacancies on boards to install unsuitable cronies, or using political power for revenge on an adversary, or wrecking a guy's reputation without due process simply because you can. 

That second kind of corruption will take place this Wednesday, in public.  That's when the Hoboken City Council Kangaroo Court will boot longtime public servant, Gary Holtzman off the Planning Board. It promises to be an ugly spectacle of scorched-earth character assassination with Holtzman as a stand-in for Hoboken Mayor Bhalla. 

Sources report that Torquemada Fisher, will be the Lead Kangaroo, and Mike DeFusco, with his horrible record of Planning Board service (absences, arguments/rudeness to board professionals) will lay low.   

GA hears that Council Kangaroos are trying to execute a (pathetic) strategy to force Emily Jabbour and Jim Doyle from participating in Holtzman's execution.  (Is that because support for the hanging is waning?  It should.)  

This Holtzman Hanging Party is a foul, nasty, partisan pile of excrement.

Check out Fisher's "evidence:" cringes from no-name attorneys.  

Kangaroo Court Council letter disseminated to media 


Here's an actual statement the 2nd Ward Councilwoman put in writing:

"I spoke with a few attorneys including a couple the city has contracted with- all on a no names basis and the responses were all akin to an audible wince and confirmed what I already knew." 

Now, if you want to talk about material proof of an ethical breach... Fisher admits to soliciting legal opinions from attorneys who have contracted with the City of Hoboken. (She will not name these attorneys, either.) As the legal authority that awards contracts to attorneys like the ones who gave her the freebie opinions and audible winces, Councilwoman  Fisher appears to have committed a serious ethical breach.    

Why isn't Fisher's solicitation a quid pro quo? Legal opinions have value. Who are these "no-name" attorneys? Do they have contacts pending before the City Council? Fisher must name these attorneys from whom she procured winces and cringes, immediately

Having committed a real ethical breach, Fisher and her Kangaroos are trying to pin a fake one on Gary.

Holtzman's email-- an alphabetized list of 16 land use attorneys recommended by current and former board professionals as replacement for the retiring Robert Matule, Esq. does not show that he was steering business to any of them. These recommendations were by others.

Furthermore, as a former ZBA Commissioner myself,  I know Fisher is lying when she says  that  recommending professionals to any individual or entity who may submit an application for a variance "is not allowed." There is no such prohibition. But, IMO, it's not wise. Because the Board member would likely be obliged (or directed by the Board Attorney) to recuse himself/herself on Applications where one of the parties to the recommendation appears with one of the 16 professionals recommended. 

Which is why I wouldn't have done what Holtzman did, because it could create conflicts on hearing some applications.  But the cure for that is recusal.  Not a big deal, it happens all the time.  I did it, other Commissioners did it whenever a conflict arose. DeFusco has had to recuse himself on at least 3 recent Planning Board applications because of donor conflicts. Is the Council going to remove him for cause? 

Call Holtzman "stupid" if you want, but if "stupid" were cause for removal, the City Council would have 5 empty chairs.

Frankly, Fisher and her Kangaroos are the ones who have put the City of Hoboken at legal risk.  The cure for conflict on Planning Board applications is recusal. What's the cure for a damaged reputation?  

Fisher has been a one-woman defamation machine on Holtzman, gratuitously smearing him in the media. She told the Jersey Journal: "This isn't politics, it is Land Use 101 with consensus from professionals that Mr. Holtzman's conduct was a material, ethical breach. In fact, her "professionals" are no-name attorneys who wince loudly. 

Fisher (and the Council Kangaroos) have in my opinion, done long term damage to Holzman. Her shotgun blasts at Holtzman, without due process, live on in cyberspace. And it appears to me that Fisher's corrupt intent was really to hurt the mayor. She erroneously told Hudson County View, “This is disappointing conduct that has created undue risk for our City. I hope that the mayor acts swiftly and makes the right decision for Hoboken.”   

Fisher's no-name professionals didn't tell her that removing Holzman was the Council's job- not the mayor's?

So, we all get treated to a disgusting display of morally corrupt, abuse of power on Wednesday. A good, honest man- a longtime unpaid volunteer public servant- is going to tried by a Kangaroo Court of vicious partisan political hacks. His reputation has already been dragged through the mud, and it will only get worse at Wednesday's spectacle.  Good folks who support the mayor will certainly be discouraged from volunteer service to Hoboken after they see what happens to Holtzman.

I have watched all of this, amazed at the Council reincarnation of Beth Mason scorched-earth politics. Today Holtzman, who will be their target tomorrow? 

As a Hoboken taxpayer, I hate to see the City of Hoboken wind up in litigation. 

In this case, I will make an exception. Go, Gary.  


  1. The simple fact that she is fine w/ DeFusco on the planning board while she embarks on this quest to remove another planning board member tells you all you need to know about how full of crap she is. I cannot wait for her to get bounced out of her CC seat next election.

  2. Gary could own Tiffany's condo someday lol

  3. I read from time to time how people have "lost all respect for me." And in those cases I can only say that I have misplaced the rat's ass that I might have given.

    In the case of Fisher, I have lost all respect for anyone who is still with her (talking to you, Kids Firsters et al.). You have had ample time and sufficient examples to see what a miserable, grasping, recklessly ambitious shrew she is. Wake the fuck up. This has nothing to do with what you think of Ravi or what your takeaway was from the bruising election. It has to do with whether you are still keeping one set of books to what amounts to ethical behavior.

    1. Bravo. Couldn't have said it better. What a qrotesque abuse of power-- this is the politics of personal destruction. And Fisher has repeatedly twisted his words- Holtzman's email clearly stated that he had polled others, and the 16 land use attorneys were THEIR recommendations, NOT his own recommendations.

      I hope Gary takes them to the cleaners. Seriously.

  4. Having worked with Gary (on the applicant's side), I think he only cares for what is best for the city. Not what's best for him, not what is best for the applicant but just Hoboken. What he does well (and I hope continues to do) is point a proposed project's design parameters in a direction that both the city and applicant would be satisfied with the outcome.

  5. Gary's been grinding it out for the good of Hoboken since Tiffanie was watching Care Bears and eating Fruit Roll-Ups. Going after him is the most distasteful hubris I've seen since the depth of Mason's darkest depravity. She's way out of her depth.


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