Councilmembers issue Press Release defending Jim Doyle

Hoboken, NJ – Hoboken City Councilmembers Peter Cunningham, Tiffanie Fisher and Jen Giattino, respond to the bullying of their colleague Councilman Jim Doyle:

Councilman Doyle was impressed by his colleagues' concern for him.

As reported in Hudson County View: 

In an email, Doyle said he was not impressed with the tone of his colleagues since they used this situation to again take aim at the mayor.

“I wish I could say it is heartwarming that my former council allies are sticking up for me in a time of need, but I cannot. I have not been thrown under any buses by anyone. A silly ad, poorly conceived, is hardly worthy of mention other than for a laugh,” he explained.

“As for their sticking up for me, my council colleagues are merely on a continuing mission to see in any event, any occurrence, any utterance a nefarious intent on the part of the Mayor. They are not blinded from reality but blinded by their flagrant lack of objectivity. While the Mayor and I may occasionally disagree, we respect one another, can each behave professionally, and are friends.”


  1. OUCH ! Jim nails it.

  2. It's astounding to me how dumb their political machinations are.

    By trying to make this about Ravi they have managed to turn political gold (attacking greedy developers and unions and defending their colleague) into lead (attacking a mayor who is far more popular in their wards than they are).

    1. Spite gets people to do stupid things. This isn't the first time it has happened in Hoboken politics.


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