DeFusco HIDES tomorrow's "Donut Hole" legislation, Planning Board meets TONIGHT

Yesterday GA showed you that First Ward Councilman Mike DeFusco's notorious 'Donut Hole' ordinance is missing its "Section One"-- which contains his amendments to  Hoboken's Zoning Ordinance. Instead of informing the PUBLIC and Council colleagues how he is changing zoning law, Defusco notes: "Documents to Follow." 

(Is anyone surprised that the Councilman is hiding his developer-favor from public scrutiny?)  

DeFusco had one month to submit documents by the Thursday 4PM deadline per council by-laws; the Mayor's veto was on or about August 4. A reasonable person may assume that the Councilman's intention was to  hide the ordinance from public scrutiny.

Tonight is a meeting of the Planning Board.  It is curious that Planning Board Commissioner DeFusco has withheld Councilman DeFusco's changes to zoning law prior to tonight's meeting. As noted, Councilman DeFusco had ample time to submit his "documents to follow."    

On tonight's Planning Board agenda:
Planning Commissioner DeFusco is conflicted on 2 of the 3 Applications.

 Applicants who've reported donations to the DeFusco campaign are 318 Madison ($1,200 total) and 415-417 Monroe ($900 total). The only Appllicant who has not reported donations to COmmissioner DeFusco's mayoral campaign is 317 Jackson Street.


415-417 MONROE

So, the First Ward Councilman is conflicted on two applications tonight, but should he be permitted to vote on any?  

He has violated City of Hoboken Council By-Laws by not filing his proposed changes to Hoboken's Zoning Ordinance by Thursday at 4PM. He did file a "placeholder" showing nothing amended.

Can we agree that is dishonest?

GA believes that appearance of impropriety-- the effort to keep his zoning changes secret from the public while voting on variances at the Planning Board-- puts the City of Hoboken at risk of litigation. 

Again: Should Planning Commissioner Mike DeFusco be permitted to vote on any Planning Board Application prior to public disclosure of his legislation to change zoning law and a reasonable allowance of time for public review the proposed legislation?  

Time for the City Council majority to admit a mistake. We all make mistakes.  DeFusco's term is ending in a couple of months.

In the spirit of the "Peace Treaty"and renewed cooperation between branches of Hoboken government, how about putting Jim Doyle back on the Planning Board?


  1. This is truly troubling. To recap another way:

    1. Michael wanted a month ago to make changes to the ordinance protecting Hoboken's light and air that goes against the direct intent of the city's Master Plan. His proposed changes to the ordinance had no Planning Board support, even though he sits on the body that is supposed to act in accordance with the city's Master Plan and has the most knowledge of it.
    2. The changes that Michael proposed would certainly help the bottom line of developers more than anyone else.
    3. Multiple people who have pending applications before the Planning Board, including developers, report that they have made contributions to Michael.
    4. The Mayor vetoed Michael's ordinance weeks ago in light of the above and his policy preference, like the Planning Board, that Hoboken's Master Plan preserving light and air, be respected.
    5. Michael now wants to have another go at it, has placed an agenda item on the city council agenda to propose a similar change, but won't share it with anyone, yet, even though the meeting to discuss the change is only 2 days away.
    6. It still seems no one on the Planning Board supports him with regard to this change.
    7. At today's Planning Board meeting are two applications from contributors to his election campaign. It's not clear whether Michael will come to the meeting and/or vote on these applications.

    So yes to Jim being back on the board. A very politically minded Council rushed Michael onto the board (he so played them) instead of doing what they should have done: properly vet, ask questions, particularly about potential conflicts, and think through what is in Hoboken's best interests in terms of a Planning Board appointment. Instead they were hell bent on making a political demonstration after losing an election so they chose someone who only months before was flouting the same pay-to-play ordinance that many of them voted to enact.

    What a clown car.

  2. The question for tonight does DeFusco recuse himself, see if the Chair recuses him or does he just not show up for yet another planning Board meeting ?

  3. I fully share your belief that Bob Woodward is an enemy of the people! Your statement that he should not be allowed to write books and should be forced to retire is absolutely correct!



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