Nasty Council: refuses to reimburse staffer for PIZZA in $2.3M Claims!

*Disclaimer: this is a low budget movie without a single sex act in the HUB

Every time I think the Hoboken City Council's anti-Bhalla faction has hit the bottom of The Abyss of Stupid, they find a new bottom. 

On September 5th, it was a Council uprising over croissants and coffee.  Yes.  Croissants. And coffee. In a claims of $4.4 M, the single $235 line item that the Council refused pay was a reimbursement to the 23 year-old Director of Constituent Services, Carolyn Caufield,  who had bought the refreshments from her personal funds; refreshments served at several public  meetings.

So petty and obnoxious was the Council's mean-spirited refusal to reimburse the young City Employee, that at least 17 members of the public offered to  refund Carolyn for her $235 loss!  

DeFusco and the Council of Spite seemed to agree that spending a couple of bucks in an $118M budget to serve refreshments to taxpayers, was somehow a "waste" of taxpayer money. Of course, implementing such Draconian budgeting to the Office of Constituent services precludes other public events, such as Chief Ferrante's "Coffee with a Cop" from serving coffee.   And honestly, do taxpayers give a shit?  I think they appreciate a cup of coffee at a public meeting. As mentioned, a surprising number of residents stepped up to help Carolyn after the petty, nasty Council action stiffed her out of at least a day's pay. 

Well, it happened again. Last night. Carolyn Caufield is out another $130 for pizza and soda. This time because Mean Jen, working in tandem with Petulant Mike, pulled the line item from $2.3M total Claims. Imagine that! Refusing to reimburse a staff member in City Hall for the cost of pizza during a community event!    

What provoked the Council of Spite this time?

The pizza and soda was served to the 50 or 60 First Ward residents at Marine View. That was the meeting called by the Mayor, who received numerous requests to keep their alleged City Council representative, Mike DeFusco OUT.  Yes, he is very unpopular there-- a big disappointment to those who dumped 5-time Councilwoman Terry Castellano for the shiny new object.   Apparently DeFusco promised Marine View residents monthly meetings when he was a COuncil candidate. Two years later, the first time DeFusco was inspired to meet with Marine View residents it was at the Mayor's "residents-only" meeting.

So, check out Giattino's logic (you have to watch my feature film clip). If one of them is not invited to a government meeting with constituents... NO PIZZA FOR YOU!

Okay, let's see if we can break the previous record of 17 kind-hearted Hoboken residents who would like to fill the hole in Carolyn's pocket, left by this bitter Council of Losers.

Hoboken residents are kind!

Hoboken residents are good!

Hoboken residents are generous!

Hoboken's Council of Spite- not so much. 


  1. It's time for Carolyn to stop spotting the cash up front. The council has made it clear they aren't going to pay her back.

    1. The pizza expenditure was prior to the Croissant Rebellion on September 5th. Maybe the City should buy Pampers for DeFusco and the Croissant Crybaby Choir.

  2. Boy looks like I sold my Pizzeria and Cafe with croissants just in time. Although I donated ALL the time!! Carolyn ask the Pizzaria's to donate a lot of them will! Especially to Marine view!


    1. Nice write up today on Jersey Digs about your renovation plans for the Holy Innocents property.

  3. They need to save money to put Ruben's mom back on the city payroll.

    1. State Fiscal Monitor Judy Tripodi's first act when she took over Hoboken's finances was fire that giant parasite (Ruben's mother) from her 6-figure no show job!!!

      As planned, State Monitor trims Hoboken's municipal workforce

      One of the employees who lost her job is Sandra Ramos, mother to 33rd District Assemblyman and Hoboken Councilman Ruben Ramos.

      Ramos was a "confidential aid" to the mayor as well as the Director of Hispanic and Minority Affairs, in the city department of Constituent Services. One of Ramos' main jobs was to translate for Hoboken's Spanish-speaking residents, as well as serving that community. She has held both positions since 2001 and both were appointed by outgoing Mayor Dave Roberts. Ramos was not a civil service employee; she declined to say how much her salary was.

  4. The pettyness and mean spiritedness of this sort of political stunts will not be lost on the residents of Marine View Towers and others in the First Ward when Michael DeFusco asks them to keep him on as their representative.

    1. He does not care what his constituent thinks. He has been ignoring them since he was elected. He and his allies only care about "winning". They will don anything to get at the mayor.

    2. All those First Ward ignored constituents will soon find someone who will not ignore them. That to me does not end with him "winning."

  5. council phonies turn a blind eye to tens of thousands of dollars in MDF's shady campaign contributions but have the time to nitpick a minor petty cash expense laid out in good faith by a young junior-level city employee. pardon my French, but they're just assholes.

    please let me know how I can contribute to paying Carolyn back.

  6. We should patronize the businesses that Carolyn uses for these events, and those establishments should refuse service to the council members who are being petty and vindictive.

  7. Every time DeFuckup misses a council meeting, he costs us a grand. Put that money in Carolyn's budget.

  8. This could easily be resolved by Mike having pizza dinner with his pay for play friends, not inviting Bhalla, and expensing the pies.


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