John McCain, 1936-2018

Vietnam War Hero, John McCain,  choosing torture in captivity over early release

The legacy of the self-titled "imperfect man," Vietnam war hero and 5-time Arizona Senator John McCain, transcends partisan politics: fight with honor, lose with dignity, respect your opponent, keep faith with your principles. 

Everyone-- no matter who you are-- can learn from John McCain. Even in death. McCain requested that he be eulogized by George W. Bush and Barack Obama. Recall that Bush Jr. beat McCain in a very, very dirty Republican Primary, and Democratic candidate Obama beat him for the presidency in 2008. 

Think about that. 

Think about the character of a man who would want his two opponents in the greatest political battles of his lifetime to eulogize him. What does that say about him? What message is he sending us, and his colleagues in government? 

Who's listening?

Even when I disagreed with Senator, I respected his service to our country.

Rest in peace.


  1. Senator McCain was a true American hero. He was an extraordinary Senator and while I didn't vote for him, I believed he would have been a fine president. Rest in peace, Senator.

  2. complete respect for this American war hero. and in the ultimate maverick move, he saved Obamacare!

    disagreed with him on many issue, could be a warmonger at times and will never forgive him for opening the door to the dumbing down of politics by introducing Sarah Palin to the national stage. but he had more character in his pinky finger than is in most of Washington. rip.

  3. My differences with the Senator can be left for another day. His last great service to the country was quite unintended. He left an example; that a man's many flaws may be out-shined by his recognized substance.

    We are on the sociological equivalent of a wild spree. Saying and doing things we know we'll regret in the morning, if it ever comes, but so delighted to finally be liberated to say and do them.

    For one - "He's not a war hero. He's a war hero because he was captured. I like people that weren't captured." That would have been the end of any democrat's hopes for higher office. Still would be. That was when you knew something had gone seriously awry. Not because Trump said it, but because there were no consequences from the folks who always challenge any democrat's "patriotism" and "love of country."

    But by then they had enough drinks in them to blurt out what they had long been thinking - that they were sick of McCain's moderation and didn't think his military service excused it any more. A few drinks later they would add that they were sick of deferring to disability if the disabled were on wrong side.

    When they wake up, fat-headed, empty-pocketed, and abandoned - if they, and we, ever do wake up - they'll have to come to terms with the Senator they treated so shabbily. Someone who perhaps did not often achieve better, but so often desired better and believed better and finally deserved better than to be mocked and dismissed by a soulless con man incapable of any thought above the level of his belt-buckle.

    Simply stated, there is not going to be a "next Trump." But should the GOP one day decide to be something more than a foul expression of its social media id, there will be a next McCain. A few perhaps. And then we can talk about ideas again, which would be to the Senator's liking. We're too drunk for that now.

  4. My stableboy is under strict orders not to mention even the name of this heretic whose tombstone could have read "I helped the GREATEST PRESIDENT EVER get rid of Obamacare."

    Notice how in all these so-called war pictures he's always resting in bed? Didn't even have bond spurs. And I hear he rode out the war in a place called the Hilton. Some hero. That's why I like guys who don't get captured. They're not lazy and soft like whats-his-name.

  5. Putting the White House flags back up to full staff is the federal equivalent of storming out of a POG meeting and trying to grab all the pizza to take with you.

  6. What? I sent a nice tweet. I even made Pence come in the bathroom and check it for typos.

  7. claims he didn’t do a mccain obit because he doesn’t do obits but did one for aretha last week. like his chicken-shit leader he couldn’t acknowledge mccain because mccain was anti alt-right.


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